kabebitokl v.recip.redup. - (people) sleeping with heads in opposite directions; (logs etc.) arranged with thick ends in opposite directions; (words, statements) contradictory.
- kabebitokl a diak el ta uchul; kautok, didu el blitokl, oles a kabebitokl, miteklii a biskang, mitokl, biteklel.
From root word omitokl v.t. - turn (car, boat) around; turn (sleeping person, etc.) in opposite position; turn inside down or upside down; distort (message etc.) (usually, unintentionally).
- omitokl a ouach a ngar a bab e a chim a merael; miteklii a oluches, mitokl a idungel, blitokl a oecherel; biteklel.
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