okedii | v.pf.3s |
ulekedii | v.pf.3s.past | |
okeed | v.pf.3p.inan. |
ulekeed | v.pf.3p.inan.past |
mokeed | v.erg. |
okedall /okeodel | v.a.s. | is to be brought near.
olekedang | v.inch. |
olekekeed | v.redup. |
tulkekeed | v.s.redup. | too close to each other; always near each other. |
ulekekeed | v.r.s.redup. |
ulkeed | v.r.s. | brought near. |
See also:
Examples: |
> It's too far. |
> I've been around for a long time./I've had a lot of experience. |
> Droteo really likes to be around girls. |
> Droteo really likes to be around the girls. |
> You took too long./I've been waiting so long. |
More Examples: |
> Dachelbai brought himself close to Ulang, what kind of schemes are they planning now? |