Monday, Jun 20, 2011, 00:17:16
Palauan | Japanese | English | ||
1 | abaio | abayo | so long, bye, see you | |
2 | abarer | abareru | cause a commotion | |
3 | abunai | abunai | dangerous | |
4 | aburabang | abura pan | fried bean paste bread | |
5 | aibo | aiboo | partner | |
6 | aikio | aikyoo | charm | |
7 | aiter | aiteiru | vacant, empty | |
8 | aizu | aizu | signal | |
9 | aji | aji | taste | |
10 | aker | akeru | open | |
11 | akiramer | akirameru | give up | |
12 | aksiub | akushu | handshake | |
13 | amatter | amatte iru | be left over, plenty | |
14 | ami | ami | net | |
15 | amireng | miren | lingering attachment | |
16 | ampan | ampan | baked bean paste | |
17 | angar | agaru | become nervous, increase | |
18 | angaridang | agaridan | steps going up | |
19 | ansing | anshin | be relieved | |
20 | ansingster | anshin | shite iruassured, at rest, relieved | |
21 | anzen | anzen kamisori | safety razor | |
22 | arai | arai | rough, tough | |
23 | asebo | asebo | heat rash | |
24 | atama | atama | head | |
25 | atar | ataru | hit, catch | |
26 | atarimai | atarimae | be taken as a matter of course | |
27 | atter | atte iru | match, fit, go well with | |
28 | auanai | awanai | not match, not fit, doesn`t go well with | |
29 | auaser | awaseru | fit together, match, time, adjust | |
30 | auateter | awatete iru | hastily, in a hurry | |
31 | ayamar | ayamaru | apologize | |
32 | baiking | baikin | bacterium, germ | |
33 | bakanister | baka ni shite iru | make a fool of | |
34 | bake | hake | brush, paintbrush | |
35 | baking | bakkin | penalty | |
36 | bakudang | bakudan | bomb | |
37 | bakutsi | bakuchi | gamble | |
38 | bane | bane | spring | |
39 | bang | ban | one`s turn | |
40 | bangk | panku | flat tire, puncture, blow out | |
41 | bango | bango | number | |
42 | banso | bansoo | accompaniment, incidental music | |
43 | bansok | bansoko | bandaid | |
44 | bantosang | bantoosan | head clerk,store clerk | |
45 | bara | bara | rose | |
46 | barik | bariki | horse power, energetic, burst of effort | |
47 | barikang | barikan | hair clippers (cutter) | |
48 | basio | basho | place | |
49 | batai | batai | drunk | |
50 | beba | |||
51 | bem yore | yoru(yotte kudasai) | come near, come close | |
52 | bengos | bengoshi | lawyer | |
53 | benjio | benjo | toilet | |
54 | bento | bento | packed lunch | |
55 | bentobako | bento bako | lunch box | |
56 | benya | benia | plywood | |
57 | beroski | furoshiki | wrapping material | |
58 | bio | byoo | seconds (of a clock) | |
59 | bioing | byooin | hospital | |
60 | boingkio | booenkyo | binoculars | |
61 | bokso | bokuso | grass, pasture | |
62 | bokujo | bokujoo | ranch | |
63 | bokungo | bookuugo | dugout, pit, airraid shelter | |
64 | bongai | boogai | disturbance, interference | |
65 | boniari | bonyari | absentmindedly, idly | |
66 | bosu | bozu | Buddist monk, bonze, butch haircut, crew cut | |
67 | botang | botan | button | |
68 | brangu | ? | wrench | |
69 | budo | budoo | grape | |
70 | bung | bun/fun/pun | minute(of a clock) | |
71 | bussonge | bussoge | flower offered to Budda hibiscus | |
72 | buta | buta | pig | |
73 | butai | butai | unit, force, troop | |
74 | daijob | daijobu | good, okay | |
75 | daikong | daikon | raddish | |
76 | daiksang | daikusan | carpenter | |
77 | daingak | daigaku | college, university | |
78 | daisang | zaisan | inheritance | |
79 | daitai | daitai | about | |
80 | daitorio | daitooryoo | President | |
81 | dama | dama | checker like game | |
82 | dame | dame | not good | |
83 | dandang | dandan | gradually | |
84 | dandori | dandori | make arrangements | |
85 | das | dasu | put out, take out | |
86 | dekster | dekiteiru | ready, set | |
87 | demado | demado | window with bench like extension | |
88 | dembio | dempyoo | bill, invoice | |
89 | dembo | dempoo | telegraph, telegram, wire telecommunication | |
90 | dembung | dempun | starch | |
91 | dengki | denki | light | |
92 | dengki bashira | denki bashira pole | Jap: denchu | |
93 | dengua | denwa | telephone | |
94 | dentsi | denchi | battery | |
95 | derobo | dorobo | thief | |
96 | derobohats | (dorobo hachi?) | (bee?) | |
97 | dobu | dobu | ditch | |
98 | dodai | dodai | base, foundation | |
99 | dois | doitsu | Germany | |
100 | dok | doku | poison | |
101 | dokungas | dokugas | poison gas, nuke | |
102 | dokurits | dokuritsu | independent | |
103 | domburi | donburi | bowl | |
104 | dome | dome | hair pins | |
105 | dongu (bako) | dogu (bako) | tool (box) | |
106 | dostemo | doshite mo | no matter what, by all means | |
107 | e | e | picture, painting, drawing | |
108 | eiobung | eiyoobun | nutritional share or portion nutrients | |
109 | eisei | eisei | sanitation | |
110 | eiyo | eiyoo | nutrition, nutrients | |
111 | eiyohurio | eiyoofuryoo | malnourished | |
112 | ekubo | ekubo | dimples | |
113 | emongkake | emonkake | hanger | |
114 | eri | eri | collar | |
115 | fkas | fukasu | revv up the engine of a car | |
116 | futong | futon | mattress | |
117 | haba | haba | width | |
118 | haburas | haburashi | brush one`s teeth, toothbrush | |
119 | hadaka | hadaka | naked,nudity | |
120 | hadasi | hadashi | barefoot | |
121 | haeri | haeru | in fashion, popular | |
122 | haikiu | haikyuu | distribution, donations | |
123 | hainaua | hainawa | rope | |
124 | haisara | haizara | ashtray | |
125 | haiseng | haisen | wiring | |
126 | haisia | haisha | dentist | |
127 | haitats | haitatsu | deliver | |
128 | haito | haitoo | disbursement | |
129 | haito | haito | dividend | |
130 | haitsio | haichoo | food cabinet with screens | |
131 | hakase | hakase | Doctor, scientitst | |
132 | hakse | hakusei | stuffed specimen | |
133 | hakurai | hakurai | bright | |
134 | hamabe | hamabe | coast | |
135 | hanabi | hanabi | fireworks,fire crackers | |
136 | hanahuda | hanafuda | Japanese card game | |
137 | handor | handoru | handle, steering wheel | |
138 | hange | hage | baldness | |
139 | hangkets | hanketsu | judgement, ruling | |
140 | hankats | hankachi | handkerchief | |
141 | hansode | hansode | short sleeve | |
142 | hantai | hantai | oppose, opposite | |
143 | hanzubong | hanzubon | short pants | |
144 | haraisange | haraisage | price down | |
145 | harango | harako | fish eggs | |
146 | harau | harau | pay | |
147 | harbor | faarubooru | foul ball | |
148 | hasi | hashi | chopsticks | |
149 | hasingo | hashigo | ladder | |
150 | hasira | hashira | pillar, post, pole | |
151 | hatoba | hatoba | wharf/pier | |
152 | hats | hachi | a bee wasp | |
153 | hebo | hebo | poor player | |
154 | hidoi | hidoi | cruel, serious, hard, violent | |
155 | himbiokai | hinpyokai | fair, show | |
156 | hondoro | hondoro | main road | |
157 | hong | hon | book | |
158 | honto | honto | main island (In Palau used for village) | |
159 | hosenka | hosenka | name of flower | |
160 | hotai | hootai | bandage | |
161 | hu | fu | note of a song | |
162 | huda | fuda | tag (label) | |
163 | huirum | firumu | film | |
164 | husen | fusen | balloon | |
165 | huto | futo | envelope | |
166 | hutsu | futsu | ordinary | |
167 | i | i | stomach | |
168 | ido | ido | well | |
169 | ijimer | ijimeru | harass, bully | |
170 | ikes | ikesu | fish pond, fish preserve | |
171 | ikura | ikura | veg. name | |
172 | imamade | ima made | up until now | |
173 | imi | imi | meaning, significance | |
174 | inaka | inaka | rural area | |
175 | inarisusi | inari zushi | bagged rice | |
176 | iosang | yosan | budget | |
177 | iosang ang | yosan an | budget plan | |
178 | iosets | yosetsu | weld | |
179 | iotei | yotei | schedule | |
180 | iotsien | yochien | kindergarten, preschool | |
181 | ireba | ireba | false teeth | |
182 | iremono | iremono | container | |
183 | irer | ireru | key in, start up, gear in | |
184 | iro | iro | color | |
185 | iroiro | iroiro | colorful, many kinds | |
186 | isimbosi | ishinboshi | ? | |
187 | isiobing | isshobin | big bottle for sake | |
188 | isiok | isshoku | ? | |
189 | isongasi | isogashii | busy | |
190 | itabori | cousin | ||
191 | itsibu | ichibu | ? | |
192 | itsiobiki | ichobiki | ? | |
193 | itsirets | ichiretsu | form one line | |
194 | ittohing | ittohin | first class goods | |
195 | iwasi | iwashi | mackerel, sardines | |
196 | iwatas | ii watasu | sentence, judgement | |
199 | jiak | jyaku | zipper Jp: zippaa | |
200 | kab | kaabu | curve | |
201 | kab | kabu | company share, stock | |
202 | kabang | kaban | bag | |
203 | kabi | kabi | expired | |
204 | kaeas | kaesu | return | |
205 | kaer | kaeri | return | |
206 | kai | kai | shell | |
207 | kaiteng | kaiten | turn | |
208 | kakar | kakaru | suffer (from sickness) | |
209 | kakaras | kakarasu | warm up | |
210 | kakine | kakine | fence | |
211 | kakusits | kakujitsu | certain, sure, definite | |
212 | kamaboko | kamaboko | fish cake | |
213 | kamang | kama | sickle | |
214 | kanadarai | kanadarai | basin | |
215 | kange | kage | shade | |
216 | kangkester | kankeishiteiru | connected to, related to | |
217 | kangob | kangofu | nurse | |
218 | kankodang | kankoodan | group of tourists | |
219 | kansoba | kansooba | a place to dry a place to dry (coconut) | |
220 | kansok | kansoku | meterological observation, weather observation | |
221 | kansoki | kansooki | dry season drought | |
222 | kansume | kazume | canned meat | |
223 | kantang | kantan | easy | |
224 | kantok | kantoku | boss, supervise | |
225 | kare karee | raisu | rice curry | |
226 | karui | karui | light , not heavy | |
227 | kasari | kazari | decoration, ornament be stylish (as in dancing) | |
228 | kata | kata | form, shape | |
229 | katakuri | katakuri | ko starch | |
230 | katatsumuri | katatsumuri | snail | |
231 | kateng | kaaten | curtain | |
232 | katorisengko | katorisenko | mosquito coil | |
233 | kats | katsu | win | |
234 | katsudo | katsudoo | activity movie | |
235 | katsudokang | katsudokan | place for activities movie theater | |
236 | katsuo | katsuo | bonito | |
237 | katsuobusi | katsuobushi | dried bonito | |
238 | katsuoseng | katsuo | sen tuna fishing boat | |
239 | katte | katte | liberty, have ones own way | |
240 | kaua | kawa | leather | |
241 | kebruka | keburu kaa | cable car | |
242 | keikak | kaikaku | plan | |
243 | keikeng | keiken | experience | |
244 | keisang | keisan | calculate, estimate | |
245 | keizai | keizai | economy | |
246 | kekka | kekka | tally, result, total | |
247 | kemba | gemba | site, place | |
248 | kempo | kempoo | constitution | |
249 | kengkang | genkan | porch | |
250 | kengkots | genkotsu | fist, hit with a fist | |
251 | kenkiu | kenkyuu | research, study | |
252 | kensa | kensa | inspection, medical examination | |
253 | kerokke | korokke | croquette | |
254 | kes | kesu | erase, delete | |
255 | keskomu | keshigomu | eraser | |
256 | kets | kechi | stingy, tight, frugal | |
257 | kia | gia | gear | |
258 | kikanai | kikanai | not effective | |
259 | kimer | kimeru | decide, regulate | |
260 | kimots | kimochi | feeling | |
261 | kineng | kinen | memory | |
262 | kinrohosi | kinroohoshi | volunteer work | |
263 | kireter | kireteiru | out of order or stock, light is burn out | |
264 | kitsingai | kichigai | crazy, loose one`s mind insane | |
265 | kitsune | kitsune | fox liar | |
266 | kiuri | kyuri | cucumber | |
267 | koba | koba | factory | |
268 | kobito | kobito | dwarf, midget | |
269 | kohei | kohei ? | forward | |
270 | kohosia | kohosha | candidate | |
271 | koi | koi | dark, heavy | |
272 | koia | koya | hut, shed, lodge | |
273 | koias | koyashi | fertilizer, manure | |
274 | kokak | gookaku | pass, succeed | |
275 | kokumots | kokumotsu | grain | |
276 | komakai | komakai | detail | |
277 | komatter | komatte iru | be troubled or disturbed | |
278 | komeng | gomen | sorry | |
279 | komi | gomi | trash | |
280 | komisteba | gomisuteba | waste landfill | |
281 | komunoki | gomunoki | rubber tree | |
282 | kona kona | powder | detergent, soap | |
283 | kongosang | kogosan | ? | |
284 | kongro | konro | kerosene stove | |
285 | kori | kori | ice | |
286 | koro | goro | ground ball | |
287 | kosang | kosan | surrender | |
288 | kosi | koshi | waist, hip | |
289 | kosiki | koziki | beggar | |
290 | kosio | koshoo | trouble, breakdown, accident | |
291 | kosui | kosui | perfume | |
292 | kotaer | |||
293 | kotai | kotai | change | |
294 | kotouar | kotowaru | decline | |
295 | kotsiosensei | kochoosensei | school principal | |
296 | kotsung | kotsun | knuckle head | |
297 | kozukai | kozukai | spending money | |
298 | ksari | kusari | chain | |
299 | kse | kuse | habit | |
300 | ksia | kisha | train | |
301 | kubi | kubi | fire | |
302 | kudeng | kuden | ? | |
303 | kuma | kuma | bear | |
304 | kumade | kumade | rake | |
305 | kumi | gumi | rubber | |
306 | kumiai | kumiai | union | |
307 | kurusi | kurushii | struggling | |
308 | kusira | kujira | whale | |
309 | kusiu | kuushuu | air raid, attack | |
310 | kutsibeni | kuchibeni | lipstick | |
311 | mado | mado | window | |
312 | mahobin | mahobin | thermos | |
313 | mahura | mafura | scarf | |
314 | make | make | defeat, loss | |
315 | makijiak | makijyaku | tape measure | |
316 | maku | maku | curtain | |
317 | mame | mame | long beans | |
318 | mamor | mamori | defense | |
319 | manaita | manaita | cutting board | |
320 | manga | manga | comic funny | |
321 | manguro | maguro | tuna | |
322 | mato | mato | target | |
323 | matsiaisits | machiaishitsu | waiting room | |
324 | mauas | mawashi | turn | |
325 | mazekohang | mazegohan | rice mixed with veg. & meat | |
326 | mendoksai | mendookusai | troublesome, burdensome | |
327 | meng | men | mask | |
328 | mengane | megane | eyeglasses | |
329 | mikko | moikkoku | secret information traffice check point | |
330 | minato (bashi) | minato (bashi) | port (bridge) | |
331 | misizungi | minshushugi | democracy | |
332 | misosiru | misoshiru | bean paste soup (Palau: soup) | |
333 | mokar | mokaru | make profit | |
334 | moktek | mokuteki | purpose | |
335 | momo | momo | pear | |
336 | mondai | mondai | problem | |
337 | monk | monku | mutter out of dissatisfaction | |
338 | monosasi | monozashi | ruler, measure, scale | |
339 | morets | mooretsu | fierce, intense, violent | |
340 | moromi | moromi | unrefined (sake) local brew | |
341 | mota | motaa | motor | |
342 | motsio | moochoo | appendix, have appendicitis | |
343 | muri | muri | impossible persist | |
344 | musiba | mushiba | cavities | |
345 | nabe | nabe | pot | |
346 | nainai | nai | there is no (not) | |
347 | namaiki | namaiki | impudent | |
348 | namari | namari | lead, metal | |
349 | nami | nami | waves | |
350 | naname | naname | slanted, diagonal, oblique | |
351 | nangas | nagasu | sink/kitchen sink | |
352 | nangasode | nagasode | long sleeve | |
353 | nangasubong | nagazubong? | long pants | |
354 | naoranai | naoranai | hopeless, lack the hope of getting better | |
355 | naos | naosu | repair, mend, fix | |
356 | napa | nappa | green leafy vegetables | |
357 | nas | nasu | egg plant | |
358 | nasakenai | nasakenai | depressed, woeful, deplorable | |
359 | naua | nawa | rope, cord | |
360 | nengi | negi | green onion | |
361 | nenneng | nenne | sleep | |
362 | nesi | neshi | screw | |
363 | nesimauas | neshi mawashi | screw driver | |
364 | nets | netsu | temperature, high fever | |
365 | neutsi | neuchi | value, worth | |
366 | niak | niyaku | loading (of cargo) | |
367 | nikai | nikai | second floor two story building | |
368 | nikibi | nikibi | pimples | |
369 | niku | niku | meat | |
370 | nitske | nitsuke | fish boiled with soy sauce | |
371 | niuing | nyuuin | hospitalized | |
372 | no | noo | brain | |
373 | nobas | nobasu | extend, release, beat up let grow, beat up | |
374 | nori | nori | glue, gum, paste, starch | |
375 | obong | obon | tray | |
376 | odebuu | debuu | fat | |
377 | odeko | odeko | forehead | |
378 | odisan | ojisan | Uncle, old man | |
379 | oiats | oyatsu | snack | |
380 | oieng | oen | support, cheer for | |
381 | oiengdang | oendan | supporters, cheering team | |
382 | oisii | oishii | delicious | |
383 | okama | kama | iron pot | |
384 | okami | okami | wolf | |
385 | okasi | okazu | food, side dish | |
386 | okiaksang | okyakusan | customer | |
387 | okuba | okuba | molar tooth | |
388 | okurisio | okurijoo | invoice | |
389 | ombu | onbu carry | someone on the back | |
390 | omiange | omyage | gift, present | |
391 | omoidas | omoidasu | nostalgic, reminiscent | |
392 | omoide | omoide | memories | |
393 | omosiroi | omoshiroi | interesting, funny | |
394 | omotsia | omocha | toys | |
395 | omukai | mukae | welcome, meet | |
396 | ongak | ongaku | music | |
397 | ongor | ogoru | treat | |
398 | oni | oni | devil, demon | |
399 | oningio | oningioo | dolly, doll | |
400 | oppai | oppai | breasts | |
401 | oros | orosu | wholesale | |
402 | orosi | oroshi | grinder | |
403 | osaer | osaeru | to hold, keep | |
404 | osii | oshii | almost | |
405 | osime | oshime | diaper | |
406 | osimekaba | oshime | kabaa | |
407 | osire | oshire | closet dresser | |
408 | osiroi | oshiroi | white powder | |
409 | osiruko | oshiruko | ||
410 | osoi | osoi | late | |
411 | osoroi | osoroi | assemble, gather, uniform same, match | |
412 | ossarai | ossarai | bean bag game | |
413 | otemba | otenba tomboyish | promiscuous woman | |
414 | oto | oto | sound | |
415 | otobai | otobai | motorcycle | |
416 | otsuri | otsuri | change, money returned | |
417 | rakudai | rakudai | not smart, to be behind in school | |
418 | reksi | rekishi | history | |
419 | renga | renga | bricks | |
420 | rensiu | renshu | practice, rehearse | |
421 | riakang | riakaa | rear car | |
422 | rikuts | rikutsu | logic, reason, theory | |
423 | rimbio | rinbyoo | gonorrhea | |
424 | ringo | ringo | apple | |
425 | ringo | ringo | posphate | |
426 | riori | ryoori | cook | |
427 | riumats | ryumatsu | rheumatism | |
428 | sabir | sabiru | rust, get rusty | |
429 | sabisi | sabishii | lonely | |
430 | sabiter | sabiteiru | rusted | |
431 | saingo | saigo | last, end | |
432 | sairio | zairyoo | ingredients, (building) materials | |
433 | sakadats | sakadatsu | stand on ones hands or head | |
434 | sakari | sakari | in heat, prime ovulate | |
435 | sakseng | sakusen | tactics, strategy, game plan | |
436 | sambas | sanbashi | pier, wharf | |
437 | samer | sameru | sober up | |
438 | sangar | sagaru | decrease, lower, demote | |
439 | sangoias | sagoyashi | palm like tree | |
440 | sansaro | sansaroo | T junction | |
441 | sao | sao | fishing rod | |
442 | saru | saru | basket | |
443 | seidai | seidai | sawmill | |
444 | seiko | seikoo | succeed, prosper | |
445 | seineng | seinen | youth | |
446 | seinengdang | seinen dan | youth group, mens group = seinendanshi | |
447 | seitak | zeitaku | extravagant | |
448 | sekkak | sakkaku | decline with thanks | |
449 | semai | semai | narrow, tight | |
450 | sembuki | senbuki | fan | |
451 | semmong | senmon | scholar | |
452 | seng | sen | line, wire | |
453 | sengiri | sengiri | thin slices | |
454 | sengkyo | senkyo | election | |
455 | sensei | sensei | teacher | |
456 | sensia | sensha | tank | |
457 | setsuiak | setsuyaku | economize | |
458 | siai | shiai | competition | |
459 | siak | shaku | 0.033 sq meters small house | |
460 | siaker | shiageru | finish, complete | |
461 | siasing | shasin | photo, picture | |
462 | siba | shiba | needle grass | |
463 | sibai | shibai | play, act, skit *slave | |
464 | sidosia | jidosha | car, automobile | |
465 | sikan | jikan | hour | |
466 | simang | jiman | boast | |
467 | simbai | shinpai | worry | |
468 | simbung | shinbun | newspaper | |
469 | simer | shimeru | choke off, strangle, fasten, buckle | |
470 | sinhatoba | shin hatoba | new pier | |
471 | sinsats | shinsatsu | examine, diagnose | |
472 | sintsiu | shinju | pearl | |
473 | sintsu | shinchu | copper | |
474 | siobai | shobai | business | |
475 | siodok | shodoku | spray | |
476 | siojiki | shojiki | honest | |
477 | siokai | shokai | introduction, presentation | |
478 | sioko | shoko | proof, evidence | |
479 | sioksets | chokusetsu | direct, straight | |
480 | siokumins | shokuminchi | farm colony | |
481 | sionga | shoga | ginger | |
482 | sionganai | shoganai | something that can`t be helped, useless | |
483 | sioning | shonin | witness | |
484 | siopang | shokupan | sliced bread | |
485 | siorai | shorai | future | |
486 | siotai | shotai | invite | |
487 | siotaiken | shotaiken | invitation letter or card | |
488 | siraber | shiraberu | look into, investigate | |
489 | siranai | shiranai | don`t know | |
490 | siranggao | shirankao | ignore, pretend not to notice | |
491 | sisiak | jishaku | magnet | |
492 | sisiu | shishyuu | embroidery, stitch, lace | |
493 | siua | shiwa | wrinkle | |
494 | siukang | shukan | custom | |
495 | ska | shika | deer | |
496 | skakebari | shikage bari | trick, device, gadget, set piece swivel for fishing line | |
497 | skamaer | shikaru | scold, admonish, reprimand | |
498 | skeng | shiken | exam | |
499 | skidas | hikidasu | pull out drawer | |
500 | skoiang | |||
501 | skojo | hikoojo | airport | |
502 | skoki | hikooki | airplane | |
503 | soko | soko | store room, warehouse | |
504 | song | son | loss, disadvantage | |
505 | songngai | songai | compensation retribution? | |
506 | sori | zori | slippers | |
507 | sorobang | soroban | abacus | |
508 | stangi | shitagi | underwear pajama, lingere` | |
509 | statea | sutateya | seamstress, tailor shop | |
510 | stiring | shichirin | ||
511 | suber | suberu | slide, slip | |
512 | suberidai | suberidai | slide , chute ramp | |
513 | subong | zubon | pants | |
514 | sudare | sudare | blinds made of bamboo | |
515 | sudeni | sude ni | already beforehand, automatically | |
516 | suido | suido | faucet waterline | |
517 | suika | suika | watermelon | |
518 | suikom | suikomu | inhale | |
519 | sumanai | sumanai | be (feel) sorry | |
520 | sumaster suma | shite iru | prim and proper | |
521 | sumeng | zumeng | blueprint, building plans | |
522 | sumi | sumi | charcoal | |
523 | sunga | zuga | painting, drawing | |
524 | sungata | sugata | figure, shape | |
525 | sungio | shunyuu | earnings | |
526 | surui | zurui | cunning, crafty, sly, dishonest | |
527 | tabi | tabi | Jap socks (with big toes separate) | |
528 | tada | tada | free | |
529 | taiko | taiko | drum | |
530 | taing | taiin | discharged from hospital | |
531 | taionki | taionkei | thermometer | |
532 | taiori | tayori | letter, news, word | |
533 | tairio | tairyou | to catch a lot of fish | |
534 | taiso | taisoo | exercise | |
535 | taitai | itai | painful, hurt, ache | |
536 | takai | takai | expensive | |
537 | takeuma | takeuma | stilt | |
538 | taki | taki | waterfall | |
539 | takotsubo | trenches | ||
540 | takuang | takua | pickled raddish | |
541 | tama | tama | bullet, glass bead, ball | |
542 | tamanengi | tama negi | onion | |
543 | tamango | tamago | egg | |
544 | tamangongata | tamago gata | egg shape | |
545 | tames | tamesu | try | |
546 | tana | tana | shelf | |
547 | tane | tane | seed | |
548 | tangane | tagane | chisel, bolster, gad | |
549 | tangka | tanka | stretcher | |
550 | tanom | tanomu | ask, beg, request | |
551 | tanosi | tanoshii | fun, exciting | |
552 | tans | tansu | drawer | |
553 | tansiobi | tanjobi | birthday | |
554 | tanto | tantoo | dagger, knife | |
555 | tanuki | tanuki | racoon dog | |
556 | taorer | taoreru | loose consiousness, fall down | |
557 | taos | taosu | beat, defeat | |
558 | tasiob | tashobu | duel competition | |
559 | tasker | tasukeru | help | |
560 | tatam | tatamu | fold | |
561 | tatami | tatami | mat | |
562 | tatander | tatande iru | folded | |
563 | tatemai | tatemae | completion of a framework, roof raising | |
564 | tauasi | tawashi | scrubbing brush | |
565 | tebanas | te banashi | to ride a bicycle not holding the handle bars | |
566 | teijo | tejo | handcuff | |
567 | teitobuts | teitoo butsu | pawn | |
568 | tekkin | tekkin | reinforced iron bar | |
569 | teng | ten | points, marks, grade | |
570 | tengami | tegami | letter | |
571 | tensio | tenjo | ceiling | |
572 | tento | tento | tent | |
573 | tepang | teppan | iron plate, sheet iron, hot plate iron | |
574 | tepkuro | tebukuro | gloves | |
575 | teriudang | teryudan | dynamite | |
576 | terobosu | teruteru boozu | a small doll (made of paper or cloth) hung outside hoping for fine weather cut hair really short | |
577 | tets | tetsu? | ball bearing | |
578 | tobas | tobasu | send, fly, drive, hurry hurry | |
579 | tobo | toboo | runaway | |
580 | tobosia | toboosha | a runaway | |
581 | todai | todai | tower | |
582 | tojidaijo | tochidaicho | land register log | |
583 | tokas | tokasu | melt | |
584 | toker | tokeru | melt | |
585 | tokoro | tokoro | place | |
586 | tokubets | tokubetsu | special, extraordinary | |
587 | tokuhong | tokuhon | patch | |
588 | tokuni | tokuni | especially | |
589 | tomer | tomeru | stop | |
590 | tonari | tonari | neighbor | |
591 | tora | tora | tiger | |
592 | torikes | torikesu | cancel, withdraw | |
593 | totang totan | makeshift canoe | made of tin | |
594 | tsibidori | chibi | tiny tot, midge, very short | |
595 | tsingau | chigau | not true, different | |
596 | tsiodai | chodai | please give me | |
597 | tsiodo | chodo | just might as well | |
598 | tsiongkyu | chokkyuu | straight ball, fast ball | |
599 | tsios | chooshi | condition, shape, order, feeling | |
600 | tsiotsio | chocho | butterfly shaped hair accessories | |
601 | tsisim | chichimu | shrink | |
602 | tsitsi bando | chichibando | brazierre | |
603 | tsiumon | chumon | order | |
604 | tskarer | tsukareru | become tired | |
605 | tsker | tsukeru | attach, apply, spread | |
606 | tsubame | tsubame | swallow | |
607 | tsubo | tsubo | 3.3 sq. meter | |
608 | tsuburer | tsubureru | bankrupt | |
609 | tsukarenaos | tukarenaosu | fix ones tiredness | |
610 | tsukemono | tsukemono | pickled vegetables | |
611 | tsurubasi | tsuruhashi | pickaxe | |
612 | uangi | uagi | coat | |
613 | uasai | wasai | axe | |
614 | uasi | washi | eagle | |
615 | uata | wata | cotton | |
616 | ude | ude | muscles, arm | |
617 | ukab | ukabu | remember | |
618 | uki | uki | float | |
619 | uma | uma | horse | |
620 | umer | umeru | bury, fill in, immerse, sink fill in | |
621 | umetate | umetate | landfill | |
622 | undo | undo | sport activity | |
623 | undokai | undokai | sports association, sports day | |
624 | ung | un | luck | |
625 | unten | unten | drive | |
626 | untengdai | untendai | drivers seat | |
627 | uram | uramu | begrudge | |
628 | urenai | urenai | not saleable | |
629 | urer | ureru | saleable | |
630 | usangi | usagi | rabbit | |
631 | usui | usui | light, thin | |
632 | wakare | wakare | separate | |
633 | yakkai | yakkai | bother, trouble, burdensome | |
634 | yakome | yokome | look from the corner of one`s eye | |
635 | yaksok | yakusoku | promise | |
636 | yakyu | yakkyu | baseball | |
637 | yamer | yameru | give up, quit, stop | |
638 | yararer | yarareru? | defeated, | |
639 | yasai | yasai | vegetables | |
640 | yasui | yasui | cheap | |
641 | yasumba | yasumiba | resting area or place | |
642 | yobo | yoboo | prevention, precaution | |
643 | yorimodos | yorimodosu | component of a fishing gear | |
644 | yorosku | yoroshiku | regards, greetings | |
645 | yosets | yosetsu | weld | |
646 | yuder | yuderu | boil, poach | |
647 | yuki | yuki | snow |
Comments [ 1 ]

Zen in War by Gábor Fabricius