el, conj.which; who; that (introduces various types of clauses); (appears between descriptive state verbs and the nouns that they describe).
sekkak el meiyou went to all the trouble to come here
See also:
Ngii el teblong., expr.Both.
See also:
Ucherkemul el bebael, expr.legendary chief of Ngeaur.
See also:
Ucherkemul el chai, expr.one of legendary chiefs of Ngeaur.
See also:
Ucherkemul el chedeng, expr.one of legendary chiefs of Ngeaur.
See also:
Ucherkemul el reked, expr.one of legendary chiefs of Ngeaur.
See also:
Ucherkemul el ulebangel, expr.legendary chief of Ngeaur.
See also:
aika el hong, expr.these books.
See also:
aike el kahol, expr.those boxes (over there).
See also:
ailech el klalo, expr.those things (near you).
See also:
ailei el hong, expr.these books (near me).
See also:
bad el chei, expr.porous stone in sea.
See also:
bad el cheled,
, expr.
crab (which lives on reef).
See also:
bad el chelid, expr.type of trepang (colored like coral).
See also:
bad el kerrekar, expr.crossbeams supporting floor of bai (including bad el umad).
See also:
bad el uel, expr.sound asleep.
See also:
bad el umad, expr.crossbeams supporting floor at ends of bai.
See also:
bechek el dil, expr.woman's title.
See also:
beches el desomel, expr.newly married woman; bride.
See also:
beches el ears, expr.recent immigrants to village.
See also:
beches el ouchais, expr.tell the truth; be frank; be direct.
See also:
beches el rak, expr.poinsettia.
See also:
beches el ralm, expr.clean/pure water.
See also:
bek el bedengel, expr.all kinds/sorts of; assorted.
See also:
bek el buil, expr.every month.
See also:
bek el sils, expr.every day.
See also:
bek el tutau, expr.every morning.
See also:
bekerkard el sausab, expr.heart (in cards).
See also:
bekerkard el udoud, expr.penny.
See also:
beketaut el tekoi, expr.words which are right to the point.
See also:
bekiit el tekoi, expr.words which are irrelevant or not to the point.
See also:
belkul tia el ongdibel, expr.purpose of this gathering.
See also:
benged el mekemad, expr.full-scale war between villages.
See also:
billum el brak, expr.wrapped and grated (large) taro.
See also:
bita el chebaod, expr.other side (of).
See also:
bita el oach, expr.one of two divisions of village or clan.
See also:
blangl el tuangel, expr.window.
See also:
bleob el chaus, expr.statue.
See also:
blolobel el mengol , expr.institutionalized concubines.
See also:
bluu el dang, expr.center of house.
See also:
bub el dech, expr.fishtrap with narrow opening designed especially to catch dech (=goatfish).
See also:
bung el kelau,
, expr.
type of flower from the Geiger tree.
See also:
chad el ngais, expr.developing egg (of bird).
chad er a ta el renged, expr.members of the same religious group; inhabitants of hamlets belonging to same municipality.
See also:
chebecheb el redil, expr.woman with hard-to-reach vagina.
See also:
chebirukel el chad, expr.unfair or deceptive person.
See also:
chebirukel el oldasu, expr.irrelevant thought.
See also:
chebirukel el tekoi, expr.false or deceptive speech or matter.
See also:
ched el chei, expr.(normal) low tide.
See also:
ched el kebesengei, expr.low tide at night.
See also:
ched el keriik, expr.rising tide (in morning).
See also:
ched el tuich, expr.tide suitable for night fishing with torch.
See also:
ched el tutau, expr.low tide in the morning.
See also:
chedaol el ralm, expr.holy water.
See also:
chedelekelek el chad, expr.person of African descent.
See also:
chedelekelek el sausab, expr.spade (in cards).
See also:
chedil a tab el buil, expr.apogee tide on first day of new moon.
See also:
cheldik el ngikel, expr.the fish I've caught.
See also:
cheleched el chad, expr.ambidextrous person.
See also:
cheliliik el ked, expr.parched hillside.
See also:
chelius el techull, expr.
chelliloil el bail, expr.long dress.
See also:
chelliloil el blauang, expr.whole loaf of bread.
See also:
chelsureor el miich, expr.caramelized almonds.
See also:
cheme el omtok er a ngesachel, expr.do something which will backfire on oneself or have unpleasant consequences (literally; defecate against slope (so that excrement slides back down)).
See also:
chemechemuul el oles, expr.pocket knife; pen knife.
See also:
chemelek el buuch, expr.my betel nut (for chewing).
See also:
chemelem el dekool, expr.your cigarettes (for smoking).
See also:
cheririich el chesbreber, expr.brown paint.
See also:
chermek el bilis, expr.my (pet) dog.
See also:
chermek el katuu, expr.my pet cat.
See also:
chermem el katuu, expr.your (pet) cat.
See also:
cheroid el beluu, expr.foreign country; far-away land; abroad.
See also:
chesekl el ked, expr.dried out bamboo.
See also:
chetitau el dil, expr.pretty girl.
See also:
chiltel a mekngit el rakt, expr.oil to prevent disease caused by evil spirits.
See also:
chimo el babier, expr.one letter.
See also:
chimo el mak, expr.fifty cents.
See also:
chimo el malk, expr.one chicken.
See also:
chull el domedemii a daob, expr.a calming effect (literally rain calms the ocean).
See also:
chuodel el klalo, expr.old things.
See also:
dart el kluk, expr.one hundred dollars.
See also:
delal el mechas, expr.(someone's) grandmother.
See also:
delebechel el ngikel, expr.school of fish.
See also:
deleboes el delengerenger, expr.sexual desire; lust.
See also:
delechel a tab el buil, expr.perigee tide on first day of new moon.
See also:
delemelek el diokang, expr.my tapioca plant (set aside for planting.
See also:
delemumuu el blai, expr.incestuous household.
See also:
delenguul el blai, expr.group of related people committing incest.
See also:
delibechebeab el rael, expr.rough path used as a short cut.
See also:
dellemelek el diokang, expr.my tapioca plant.
See also:
dellemelem el tuu, expr.your banana plant.
See also:
demal el rubak, expr.(someone's) grandfather.
See also:
dengerenger el busech, expr.feathers of chicken under wing (whose removal is considered necessary in taming chicken).
See also:
derrau el ngikel, expr.fish caught with hand net.
See also:
derta el, expr.one each.
See also:
diak el klalo, expr.useless thing; coward.
See also:
dmu el kmo, expr.say that.
See also:
dmu el uai se, expr.say that.
See also:
eai el buil, expr.eight months.
See also:
ede el dart, expr.three hundreds.
See also:
ede el klebesei, expr.three nights.
See also:
ede el telael, expr.three thousand.
See also:
el di mle ngii, expr.all by himself; on his own.
See also:
el di ngak el tang, expr.alone; by myself.
See also:
el di ta temetemir, expr.in one stroke or blow; all at once.
See also:
el kirel a, expr.about; concerning; for (someone's) benefit.
See also:
el mo, expr.until.
See also:
el mo cherechar, expr.forever.
See also:
el mo el mong, expr.(do something) in a continuous fashion; go on or keep on (doing something).
See also:
el mo er a chiliuades, expr.forever; eternally.
See also:
el mo er a emel, expr.in the direction of land.
See also:
el mo er a ikrel, expr.in the direction beyond the reef.
See also:
el mo er a medad, expr.in the future.
See also:
el mo lmuut er a, expr.going all the way to.
See also:
el okiu a cheldecheduch , expr.according to the story.
See also:
el okiu a ngeso , expr.with the help of.
See also:
el rokir, expr.all of it.
See also:
el rokui, expr.all of them.
See also:
el telkib , expr.for a while.
See also:
el terung, expr.both; each.
See also:
elecha el buil, expr.this month.
See also:
elecha el kesus, expr.this evening (when it is evening at time of utterance).
elecha el me el buil, expr.next month.
See also:
elecha el mong, expr.from now on.
See also:
elecha el sils, expr.today; today's weather.
See also:
elolem el rak, expr.six years.
See also:
er a bek el klebesei, expr.every day; daily.
See also:
er a ede el klok me a tedobech, expr.at three thirty.
See also:
er a elecha el taem, expr.these days.
See also:
er a elecha el tutau, expr.this morning.
See also:
er a eru el klok, expr.at two o'clock.
See also:
er a euid el kebesengil a elecha el buil, expr.on the 7th of this month.
See also:
er a rokui el taem, expr.always; all the time.
See also:
er a ta el klok, expr.at one o'clock.
See also:
er a teruich me a eru el klok er a klebesei, expr.at twelve midnight.
See also:
er a teruich me a eua el kebesengil a ongeru el buil, expr.on the 14th of February.
See also:
er se el me el rak, expr.the year after next.
See also:
er se el me el sandei, expr.the week after next.
See also:
er se el mlo merek el rak, expr.the year before last.
See also:
er se el mlo merek el sandei, expr.the week before last.
See also:
er tia el me el rak, expr.next year.
See also:
er tia el me el sandei, expr.next week.
See also:
er tia el mlo merek el rak, expr.last year.
See also:
er tia el mlo merek el sandei, expr.last week.
See also:
eru el dart, expr.two hundreds.
See also:
eru el mang, expr.twenty thousand.
See also:
eru el sikang, expr.two hours.
See also:
eru el sikang , expr.two hours.
See also:
eru el sils , expr.two days.
See also:
eru el telael, expr.two thousand.
See also:
etiu el rak, expr.nine years.
See also:
eua el buil, expr.four months.
See also:
euid el klok, expr.seven o'clock.
See also:
ilild el bobai, expr.(person) with pale skin.
See also:
imelek el ralm, expr.my drink of water.
See also:
imelem el kohi, expr.your drink or cup of coffee.
See also:
imis el chetngaid, expr.too thin; extremely thin.
See also:
kebelu el chad, expr.fool; idiot.
See also:
kebtot el bai, expr.twin bai; two bais adjacent to each other.
See also:
kedeb el tekoi, expr.abbreviation.
See also:
kekere el blai, expr.toilet.
See also:
kekere el delach, expr.small intestine.
See also:
kelek el udong, expr.my noodles.
See also:
kelem el tuu, expr.your banana.
See also:
kerengimes el ked, expr.reed which grows on hillsides.
See also:
kerisebsub el chui, expr.curly hair.
See also:
kesai el malk, expr.a bit of chicken.
See also:
klde el hong, expr.three books.
See also:
klde el mak, expr.one dollar and fifty cents.
See also:
kldekudel el mo er a Dios, expr.fear of God; respect for the Lord.
See also:
kleai el malk, expr.eight chickens.
See also:
kleim el kluk, expr.five dollars.
See also:
kleuid el kahol, expr.seven boxes.
See also:
kliungek el tuu, expr.my banana (for dessert).
See also:
kllel el chebiei, expr.his/her solar plexus.
See also:
kllolem el lius, expr.six coconuts.
See also:
kloa el ringngo, expr.four apples.
See also:
klou el chad, expr.adult.
See also:
klou el delach, expr.large intestine.
See also:
klou el dolech, expr.(normal) high tide.
See also:
kltiu el kluk, expr.nine dollars.
See also:
kmes a usekerel el chad, expr.person who is hard to coax or flatter; person who is firm or straight-laced.
See also:
ko el tang, expr.the very first time; the first time after a long while.
See also:
ko er a belsiochel el erabrukl, expr.
See also:
kobengodel el ngesachel, expr.extremely steep ascent (requiring vertical climbing).
See also:
kot el beluulechad, expr."First World" (in Palauan legend, world of sea originated by Latmikaik).
See also:
kot el buil, expr.January.
See also:
kot el omengiit, expr.First Sacrament.
See also:
kot el skuul, expr.first grade; first grader.
See also:
llechukl el tekoi, expr.written language.
See also:
lliich el lius, expr.cut strips of coconut meat.
See also:
lmuut el, expr.even more.
See also:
loia a rurt el rubak, expr.half-walk and half-run; walk (like an old man) with a determined gait.
See also:
mad el blekeu, expr.expression feigning courage.
See also:
mad el chur, expr.laughing or smiling face.
See also:
mad el dakt, expr.expression of fear; face showing fear.
See also:
mad el dubech, expr.coconut which falls onto frond and begins to sprout there (but soon dies).
See also:
mad el kekerei, expr.expression of a child.
See also:
mad el klikmechur, expr.smiling face.
See also:
mad el labek, expr.expression feigning knowledge of something; (calculated) knowing look that makes others suspicious.
See also:
mad el langel, expr.crying face; tearful expression.
See also:
mad el ngalek, expr.expression of a child.
See also:
mad el olengamech, expr.seductive look.
See also:
mad el rur, expr.expression feigning shame or shyness.
See also:
mad el tmuil, expr.looking for or expecting someone to come.
See also:
meang el chad, expr.strange looking person.
See also:
meang el chais, expr.fantastic news.
See also:
meang el tekoi, expr.miraculous event.
See also:
mechut el ears, expr.early immigrants to a village.
See also:
medai el buil, expr.unfavorable months for ceremonious events (even numbered months).
See also:
meduch el buuch, expr.kidney.
See also:
meduch el mengang, expr.be a glutton.
See also:
mekerisebsub el chui, expr.curly hair.
See also:
mekerokl el mekiis, expr.get up or wake up suddenly.
See also:
mekerokl el remurt, expr.run (away) suddenly.
See also:
mekesengam el chui, expr.straight hair.
See also:
melai a ngar er a emel el tekoi, expr.try to find something out indirectly; try to find out what is really behind the situation.
See also:
melakl el dil, expr.widow.
See also:
melakl el sechal, expr.widower.
See also:
melchesech el keriik, expr.fast incoming tide. (the tide is very quickly "stuffing" the ocean into the reef).
See also:
melechelbakl el diall, expr.submarine.
See also:
melitai el daob, expr.rolling waves; high surf.
See also:
mellemau el ua daob , expr.bluish green; azure.
See also:
mellemau el ua llel a lius , expr.green.
See also:
menga el babii, expr.eat like a pig.
See also:
mengubs el btuch, expr.shooting star.
See also:
mengubs el redil, expr.lazy woman who steals someone else's ongraol.
See also:
mera el chad, expr.adult; dependable person.
See also:
mera el chad er a beluu, expr.legitimate resident; loyal citizen.
See also:
mera el mellemau, expr.deep blue (of deep water).
See also:
mera el tekoi, expr.things of value, worthwhile thing, deed, etc.
See also:
merael el diluches, expr.(wind) is turning northerly.
See also:
merael el dimes, expr.(wind) is turning southerly.
See also:
merael el eabed, expr.low, fast-moving clouds.
See also:
merael el mo, expr.becoming; on the way towards (being).
See also:
merau el buil, expr.favorable months for ceremonious events (= odd number months).
See also:
merechorech el btuch, expr.shooting star.
See also:
merechorech el mekemad, expr.small war or incident in which group of warriors sneaks into rival village; decapitates someone and returns home with head.
See also:
meringet a bad el mesil, expr.rock-crushing machine.
See also:
meringet a deb el mesil, expr.sugarcane-crushing machine.
See also:
mesako el ngal, expr.(crowd look like) swarm of termites.
See also:
mesikt el btuch, expr.constellation of stars; the Pleiades.
See also:
mildu el basio, expr.the said or planned place.
See also:
mildu el sils, expr.the said or planned day.
See also:
mimokl a usekerel el chad, expr.person who is easy to coax or flatter; person who is flexible or generous.
See also:
mo ungil el smecher, expr.get better (from illness).
See also:
mui el, expr.(do, etc.) fully or completely.
See also:
ng mla me mo el klebesei, expr.the days gone by; past.
See also:
ngalek el redil, expr.daughter.
See also:
ngalek el sechal, expr.son.
See also:
ngar er a bab el chad, expr.one's superior; wealthy/well-to-do person.
See also:
ngelekek el tolechoi, expr.my baby.
See also:
ngellitel el chad, expr.person chosen specifically because of particular skills, qualities etc.; consultant; specialist.
See also:
ngii di el tang, expr.either one; anything.
See also:
ngikel el balech, expr.fish caught with a spear-gun.
See also:
ngikel el bub, expr.fish caught with a trap.
See also:
ngikel el dub, expr.fish caught/killed with a bomb.
See also:
ngikel el kerreel, expr.fish caught with a line.
See also:
ngikel el kesokes, expr.fish caught with long net.
See also:
ngikel el ngoaol, expr.deep sea fish.
See also:
nguu el mei, expr.bring.
See also:
nguu el mong, expr.take.
See also:
oderchelel el bilis, expr.(his) messenger-dog.
See also:
odimek el babii, expr.my pork.
See also:
oika el kekerei, expr.rather small.
See also:
oika el kiklou, expr.rather large.
See also:
oikab el kekerei, expr.rather small.
See also:
oikab el kiklou, expr.rather large.
See also:
olechelubel el sob, expr.bath soap.
See also:
olik el tungch, expr.black trigger fish.
See also:
olsiich a tekoi (el ousbech er a), expr.swear (on).
See also:
oltut el charm, expr.mammal
See also:
omekall a chat el bilas, expr.steamship/boat that gives off smoke.
See also:
omekrur el oeacher, expr.broken shoes which embarrass wearer.
See also:
omerrous el kmo, expr.dream that.
See also:
omerrous el ua se, expr.dream that.
See also:
ometochel el miich, expr.place for pounding nuts of tropical almond.
See also:
ometochel el sang, expr.place for pounding shellfish.
See also:
omoket el btuch, expr.comet.
See also:
ongede el buil, expr.March.
See also:
ongede el skuul, expr.third grade; third grader.
See also:
ongede el ureor, expr.Wednesday.
See also:
ongeru el beluulechad, expr."Second World" (in Palauan legend, world of earth originated by Miladeldil).
See also:
ongeru el buil, expr.February.
See also:
ongeru el skuul, expr.second grade(r).
See also:
ongeru el ureor, expr.Tuesday.
See also:
ongeteruich el buil, expr.October.
See also:
ongeteruich el skuul, expr.tenth grade; tenth grader.
See also:
ongeteruich me a ongeru el buil, expr.December.
See also:
ongeteruich me a ta el buil, expr.November.
See also:
ongetiu el buil, expr.September.
See also:
ongetiu el skuul, expr.ninth grade; ninth grader.
See also:
ongeua el buil, expr.April.
See also:
ongeua el skuul, expr.fourth grade; fourth grader.
See also:
ongeua el ureor, expr.Thursday.
See also:
ongeuid el buil, expr.July.
See also:
ongeuid el skuul, expr.seventh grade; seventh grader.
See also:
ongulek el kukau, expr.my taro (for eating).
See also:
osisiu el taem, expr.(at) the same time.
See also:
otechakl el mo er a Toki, expr.accusation directed at Toki.
See also:
oumesingd el, expr.almost always do; spend majority of time doing.
See also:
outeliil el bar, expr.sleeping partner.
See also:
rasechebeab el chad, expr.cruel; heartless; ungrateful person.
See also:
rebetok el chad, expr.many people.
See also:
rebetok el chad, expr.many people.
See also:
rebetok el sensei, expr.many teachers.
See also:
redil el bambuu, expr.bamboo pole holding redil el kerrikr.
See also:
redil el chemang,
, expr.
female crab.
See also:
redil el kerrikr, expr.concave joint of sail into which hooked joint fits.
See also:
redil el omuked, expr.a nosy woman (always showing too much curiosity about other people's affairs).
See also:
rekung el beab,
, expr.
land crab.
See also:
rekung el beluu,
, expr.
small land crab.
See also:
rekung el daob,
, expr.
sea crab.
See also:
rokui el taem, expr.all the time; always.
See also:
rruu el klalo, expr.something found and kept.
See also:
se el lobutek a medak, expr.when I pass away.
See also:
se el ririid el sandei, expr.the week before last.
See also:
se el soam, expr.whatever you want; it's up to you.
See also:
se el tebel, expr.that table (over there).
See also:
sechal el bambuu, expr.bamboo pole holding sechal el kerrikr.
See also:
sechal el chemang,
, expr.
male crab.
See also:
sechal el kerrikr, expr.hooked joint of sail which fits into concave joints.
See also:
sechal el malk, expr.rooster.
See also:
sechelei el ngalek, expr.oldster who likes to play with/talk to children.
See also:
secherel a omenga el kiande, expr.stomach ache from eating too much candy; cavity.
See also:
seinendang el redil, expr.girls' club.
See also:
seinendang el sechal, expr.boys' club.
See also:
sekoakl el iaur, expr.inhabitants of Angaur (thought to be impulsive).
See also:
sese el kall, expr.a little food; not enough food.
See also:
sese el udoud, expr.a little money; not enough money.
See also:
sis el eanged, expr.ti plant.
See also:
smiich el bekerkard, expr.dark red.
See also:
sochera er a omelim el rrom, expr.becoming an alcoholic.
See also:
suebek el charm, expr.bird.
See also:
suebek el dial, expr.airplane.
See also:
suebek el diall, expr.airplane.
See also:
ta el buil, expr.one month.
See also:
ta el buil er mla me e mong, expr.one month ago.
See also:
ta el chad, expr.one person; (persons) having same mother or father; (persons) of same blood.
See also:
ta el mang, expr.ten thousand.
See also:
ta el oach me a tedbard, expr.one foot length plus the width of the other foot.
See also:
ta el rak, expr.one year.
See also:
ta el sikang, expr.one hour.
See also:
ta el sils, expr.one day.
See also:
ta el suk, expr.one quantity or portion.
See also:
ta el telael, expr.one thousand.
See also:
tab el buil, expr.new moon.
See also:
tacher el uel, expr.ten turtles.
See also:
teai el ekebil, expr.eight girls.
See also:
teblo el blai, expr.two houses.
See also:
teblo el mak, expr.one dollar.
See also:
techellel a Droteo el mo er a Merikel, expr.Droteo's opportunity to go to America.
See also:
tede el buik, expr.three boys.
See also:
tedeb el taem, expr.a short while.
See also:
teim el chad, expr.five people.
See also:
tekoi el beluu, expr.decision of the community.
See also:
tekoi el chelid, expr.supernatural event.
See also:
tekoi el dil, expr.woman's work or affaires.
See also:
tekoi el saik, expr.something done out of laziness.
See also:
tekoi el sechal, expr.man's work/affairs.
See also:
teletoech el mad, expr.disrespect; insolence.
See also:
telia el sils, expr.late afternoon (when reference made during the morning hours).
See also:
telkib el betok , expr.a bit too much.
See also:
telkib el kekesai , expr.just barely not enough.
See also:
telkib el kesai , expr.not enough.
See also:
telkib el taem , expr.a short while; a short time.
See also:
telolem el ngalek, expr.six children.
See also:
teru el chad, expr.two people.
See also:
teruich el chad, expr.ten people.
See also:
teruich el klok, expr.ten o'clock.
See also:
teruich el mang, expr.one hundred thousand.
See also:
tetiu el chad, expr.nine people.
See also:
teua el sensei, expr.four teachers.
See also:
teuid el ngalek, expr.seven children.
See also:
tia el hong, expr.this book.
See also:
tia el me el buil, expr.next month.
See also:
tia el mlo merek el buil, expr.last month.
See also:
tia el ririid el sandei, expr.last week.
See also:
tilecha el hong, expr.that book (near you).
See also:
tirilecha el chad, expr.those people (near you).
See also:
tuchelbakl el mo er a eou, expr.dive down (into the water).
See also:
ududek el lluich el kluk, expr.my twenty dollars.
See also:
uel el chad, expr.man who reaches sexual climax slowly.
See also:
ulat el eabed, expr.high, stationary clouds.
See also:
ulis el songerenger, expr.extremely hungry.
See also:
ullemachel el beab, expr.small mouse; field mouse.
See also:
ultebechel el tekoi, expr.confirmed matter.
See also:
ungia el tutau, expr.early morning shortly after dawn.
See also:
ungil el chodochosong, expr.good afternoon.
See also:
ungil el chodochosong , expr.good late morning (at a time approaching noon).
See also:
ungil el iit a sils, expr.good (early) afternoon.
See also:
ungil el kebesengei, expr.good evening.
See also:
ungil el klebesei, expr.festive occasion.
See also:
ungil el llechukl, expr.well-written.
See also:
ungil el sueleb, expr.good noon.
See also:
ungil el tutau, expr.good morning.
See also:
uriul el omengiit, expr.Last Sacrament.
See also:
urrekerek el uasech, expr.very thick gravy from fish stew, boiled for a long time and put up as preserves.
See also:
bek el chad, pro.everybody.
See also:
beltik el reng, var.bltikerreng
See also:
buch el sechal
, n.female in-law of family.
See also: , , , , , , , ,
charm el kiamo, var.kiamo
See also:
chedebsungel el ked,
, n.
bead tree.
el kmo, v.i.be like that; be as follows.
See also:
kekerei el blai, bathroomexpr.
klemat el mengol, n.concubines brought as hostages.
See also:
kot el ureor, n.Monday.
See also:
mekngit el kar, n.illegal drugs.
See also:
menga el, v.t.(do) again or continually; more (and more); even more; all the more.
ng diak a ta el chad, var.ngdiak a tal chad
See also:
ng diak a ta el chad, var.ng diak a tal chad
See also:
ngii di el, pro.any.
odimall el mekebud, var.odimalmekebud
See also:
ongeai el buil, n.August.
See also:
ongeai el skuul, n.eighth grade; eight grader.
See also:
ongeim el buil, n.May.
See also:
ongeim el skuul, n.fifth grade; fifth grader.
See also:
ongeim el ureor, n.Friday.
See also:
ongelolem el buil, n.June.
See also:
ongelolem el skuul, n.sixth grade; sixth grader.
See also:
rael el beluu, n.person without a fixed residence.
See also:
se el, conj.when (in the future); whenever.
See also:
se el sekum, conj.if (used in negative sentences).
See also:
sis el ulaol, n.Tradional ceremony following a death in which a sis (the plant, with its leaves), is placed on the middle of the floor. Spirits are called to find out the cause of death. It was practiced long time ago, but is no longer a practice today. It is performed four days after burying a person. The sis plant is placed on the middle of the floor where the deceased was laid during the funeral. Then a person who knows how to conduct the ceremony would call on the spirits. When the spirits are ready, each person circling the sis would say something that could have caused the death. When a person actually mentions the actual cause of death, the sis would elevate on its own and shake (or dance). If the cause of death was the doing of a spirit, then the families are made aware so they can do things to appeal to or appease the spirit so that further death to the family by the spirit is stopped. That is basically the only reason for this practice (to see if spirits are involved in the cause of death so the family can act to stop it from further happening to their members). The actual ceremony is not practiced nowadays, but some clans and families continue to prepare small feasts on that fourth day after the funeral then the people (especially "mechas") who were part of the "mengiung" can now go back home. Some still call this day "sis el ulaol" but some intentionally ignore to call it that because it is believed the actual "sis el ulaol ceremony" involves invoking evil spirits that makes the sis float and dance when the right cause of death is mentioned.
See also:
tab el uach, var.tabeluach
See also:
tekoi el buai, n.decision of the general public.
See also:
tekoi el chei, var.tekoi er a chei
See also:
teruich el uid, num.10 [ten] (bunch of bananas).
uel el chad, n.persistent person.
See also:
ureor el beluu, n.community improvement project in which all residents are expected to participate either in labor or food contributions for the laborers.
See also:

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