uchei, n.area/space (generally) in front/ahead of; before; previous to; ahead of (in time).
a uche er aexpr.before (used only at beginning of sentence).
er a uche er aexpr. before.
er a uche er a cheldecheduchexpr.before the meeting.
mo er a ucheiexpr.come in first; win; go first.
uche er a bilasexpr.bow of boat.
uchei er a omoachelexpr.upstream.
> Fortuitously, I came in first in the race.
> Toki was walking somewhere in front of Droteo./Toki left before Droteo did.
> My boat almost won the race.
> I'll go first (before anyone else).
> Before I finished my homework, Droteo went home.
More Examples:
> I want to get married before I turn 60.
> Go check the rambutan in the rain forest. If there are ripe ones, bring them home but make sure to hide them so people don't bum them off you.

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Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Table 'belau.log_bots' doesn't exist in /home/johnbent/tekinged.com/functions.php:520 Stack trace: #0 /home/johnbent/tekinged.com/functions.php(520): mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), 'INSERT INTO log...') #1 /home/johnbent/tekinged.com/functions.php(1840): visitlog(': pe -> uchei (...') #2 /home/johnbent/tekinged.com/index.php(213): belau_footer(NULL, ': pe -> uchei (...') #3 {main} thrown in /home/johnbent/tekinged.com/functions.php on line 520