This is the 1977 Lewis Josephs' dictionary, THE 1977 JOSEPHS PALAUAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. It has been superseded by the 1990 Version, and is included here merely as an historical reference. The following is taken from the back cover:
THE 1977 JOSEPHS PALAUAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY provides an alphabetical listing of approximately 12,000 Palauan words. An English-Palauan finder list of 4,000 entries, based on selected words in the English definitions, is also included.
The work upon which the present dictionary is based is Fr. Edwin McManus' 'Word List and Grammar Notes—Palauan—English and English-Palauan,' circulated in 1955 and expanded and revised until the author's death in 1969. Dr. Josephs assumed responsibility for the revision and publication of Fr. McManus' word list in 1973, under the auspices of the Pacific and Asian Linguistics Institute.
Every item in the McManus word list has been respelled according to the new standards of the Palau Orthography Committee. Lexical entries have been expanded and new entries added to include recent discoveries of meaning, usage, and derivational relationships. Part-of-speech affiliation has also been added to each item and, where applicable, morphological analysis and historical origin. Sample sentences are included to illustrate grammatical usage of idiomatic or difficult expressions. With these changes in or- thography and content, the dictionary is suitable for use with Josephs' PALAUAN REFERENCE GRAMMAR.