Lewis Josephs' 1997 Grammar Handbook Teacher's Manual 2
In 1997, Lewis Josephs revised his 1975 Reference Grammar into a two volume Handbook of Palauan Grammar with accompanying teachers' guides. These handbooks are intended to be more accessible to non-linguists and are specifically designed for Palauan school children. On this page, we are thrilled to offer Lewis Josephs' 1997 Grammar Handbook Teacher's Manual 2 of these excellent books.
The other volumes are available here:
A review of these handbooks by the retired University of Hawaii linguistics professor Robert Gibson may also be of interest to some readers. We are very happy to fulfill Dr. Gibson's wish that this work "ought to be available to anyone interested in the Austronesian family of languages. My hope is that its publication locally in Palau will not make it inaccessible or overly difficult to obtain for those living elsewhere."