a, mod.if; when. Also, used as a contentless word which precedes nouns and verbs under various conditions.
ngeltel a silssetting of the sun.
See also:
chutem er a kebliil
See also:
ngeltel a builsetting of the moon.
See also:
A delal a biskang!, expr.That's a large spear!.
See also:
A iit!, expr.You've missed!.
See also:
Mokes a okesongel., expr.Batten down the hatches./Be prepared.
See also:
Ng betik a renguk er kau., expr.I love you.
See also:
Ng ieta a chelsang., expr.The work is over.
See also:
Ng ieta a sils., expr.It's past the hottest part of the day.
See also:
Ngak a dirrek., expr.Me too.
See also:
Okiu a Mechuu, expr.name of female ghost who walks shady areas of rock islands.
See also:
Olbiil er a Kelulau, expr.earlier name of Palau congress.
See also:
Renged er a chol, expr.hamlet in Ngerard.
See also:
a adang , expr.of course.
See also:
a lebla er ngii, expr.if there had been.
See also:
a lebocha lekukuk, expr.when the next day arrives.
See also:
a leklebesei, expr.at night; nights.
See also:
a lesueleb, expr.afternoons; in the afternoon.
See also:
a letutau, expr.mornings; in the morning.
See also:
a renguk a mengkerengek, expr.my heart is my guardian. Similar to 'Let your conscience be your guide.'.
See also:
a renguk e, expr.I think/thought that.
See also:
a ta er a klebesei e, expr.once upon a time.
See also:
a uche er a, expr.before (used only at beginning of sentence).
See also:
a uriul er a, expr.after (used only at beginning of sentence).
See also:
bai er a rubak, expr.bai for old men only.
See also:
bail er a skuul, expr.school clothes.
See also:
bail er a ureor, expr.work clothes.
See also:
barb er a mesil, expr.engine valve.
See also:
bat er a iakiu, expr.baseball bat.
See also:
bat er a sabtbol, expr.softball bat.
See also:
bdelul a chang, expr.end of jetty; landing pier.
See also:
bdelul a cheldebechel, expr.group leader.
See also:
bdelul a omerael, expr.tour leader.
See also:
bebel a omerkaol, expr.windpipe.
See also:
bebeot a rengul, expr.rather undecided about something; not taking something too seriously.
See also:
bebul a daob, expr.surface of the sea.
See also:
bebul a rois, expr.mountain top.
See also:
bebul a tebel, expr.top of the table.
See also:
bechachau a bdelul, expr.stupid; empty-headed.
See also:
bechecherd a rengul, expr.irascible; easily fed up with.
See also:
bechedechudel a rengul, expr.irritable.
See also:
becheremremangel a rengul, expr.greedy; stingy.
See also:
bechesengel a chim, expr.thumb.
See also:
bechesengel a oach, expr.big toe.
See also:
bedengel a beab, expr.gray.
See also:
bedengel a biib, expr.green (in color).
See also:
bedengel a chab, expr.gray.
See also:
bedengel a chelid, expr.sacred object; food forbidden to village or family.
See also:
bedengel a chudel, expr.green.
See also:
bedengel a chutem, expr.brown.
See also:
bedengel a daob, expr.deep blue.
See also:
bedengel a eanged, expr.sky blue.
See also:
bedengel a kolt, expr.gold color.
See also:
bedengel er a chelid, expr.sacred object (e.g., stone with image of deity); food forbidden to village or family.
See also:
bedesil a beluu, expr.village chief.
See also:
bedikl er a Saibal, expr.chicken trap using decoy chicken.
See also:
bedikl er a beab, expr.mouse-trap.
See also:
bedis a rengul, expr.inconsiderate.
See also:
bediu a ngor, expr.have bad breath.
See also:
bedul er a dmolech, expr.friend or mainstay in times of need.
See also:
bekellel a mlai, expr.driving a car.
See also:
bekesbesebek a rengul, expr.easily worried; worrisome.
See also:
bekesbesib a rengul, expr.prone to sweating; easily angered; touchy.
See also:
bekesel a ochil, expr.fate; destiny.
See also:
beketaut a tekingel, expr.incisive; speaking to the point.
See also:
belalk a medal, expr.face express shame/fright.
See also:
belalk a rengul, expr.feel shame/fright.
See also:
belatong er a Merikel, expr.stainless steel plate with several compartments.
See also:
belebelel a mesil, expr.cord/rope for starting outboard motor.
See also:
belechel a belochel, expr.shooting of pigeons with a slingshot.
See also:
belechel a ngikel, expr.spearing of fish with a spear-gun.
See also:
belengel a rengul, expr.astonishment/amazement.
See also:
belkul a Droteo, expr.Droteo's function.
See also:
belkul a tekoi, expr.meaning of a word; proverb.
See also:
bellemakl a beluu, expr.village is quiet or calm.
See also:
belngel a blai, expr.middle of the house.
See also:
belngel a omoachel, expr.middle of the river; midstream.
See also:
belngel a sers, expr.middle of the garden.
See also:
beltel a beluulechad, expr.Second Coming of Christ.
See also:
beluu er a eanged, expr.heaven.
See also:
beluu er a eanged, expr.heaven.
See also:
beluu er a ngau, expr.hell.
See also:
beot a cheral , expr.cheap.
See also:
beot a rengul, expr.easygoing; nonchalant; unmotivated; lazy.
See also:
beot a tekingel, expr.easy going; not strict.
See also:
beralm a rengul, expr.lazy; unmotivated; unconcerned; uncaring.
See also:
berdel a but, expr.lips of vagina.
See also:
berdel a kim, expr.inside surface of clam shell.
See also:
berdel a ngor, expr.lips.
See also:
bereberel a chim, expr.wrist (sometimes including hand).
See also:
bereberel a oach, expr.ankle (sometimes including foot).
See also:
berel er a neibi, expr.navy biscuit.
See also:
beritengetang a chural, expr.have a forked tongue; say one thing on one occasion and something else the next.
See also:
berngel a rengul, expr.anything discouraging to one's spirit.
See also:
bertechelel a chelid , expr.mole (on skin).
See also:
bertechelel a deleb , expr.mole (on skin).
See also:
besechel a dub, expr.fuse for bomb.
See also:
besechelel a oach, expr.ankle bone.
See also:
besengel a dekool, expr.cigarette ashes.
See also:
betik er a rengul, expr.one's beloved.
See also:
biaol a chebesal, expr.hairy armpits.
See also:
bilas er a omenged, expr.fishing boat.
See also:
bilis er a mekemad, expr.specially-trained war dog.
See also:
bilis er a oreomel, expr.wild dog.
See also:
biska er a uel, expr.large spear for catching turtles.
See also:
bita a isngel, expr.having only one nostril.
See also:
bkul a bambuu , expr.node of bamboo.
See also:
bkul a beluu , expr.cape; promontory.
See also:
bkul a chim, expr.elbow.
bkul a deb , expr.node of sugar-cane.
See also:
bkul a tab, expr.name of cape in Ngiual.
See also:
blai er a kansok, expr.weather station.
See also:
blak a rengul, expr.hard-working; diligent; eager; attentive; interested in; intent upon; decided on; in favor of.
See also:
bldeklel a tekoi, expr.explanation.
See also:
blechidel a blached, expr.used to describe someone who is mentally challenged.
See also:
blekebek a medal, expr.face having happy or joyous expression.
See also:
blekebek a rengul, expr.pleasant/nice (in personality); congenial.
See also:
blengkangk a chei, expr.tide is low.
See also:
blengodel a berius, expr.current is strong.
See also:
blengodel a mekemad , expr.war is in progress.
See also:
bletengel a rengul, expr.nonchalance; laziness.
See also:
blil a babier, expr.bookcase.
See also:
blil a beab, expr.jail; prison.
See also:
blil a bembangch, expr.anthill.
See also:
blil a beras, expr.sack/container for rice.
See also:
blil a bubuu, expr.spider web.
See also:
blil a bulis, expr.police station.
See also:
blil a charm, expr.barn; shed for animals.
See also:
blil a chat, expr.muffler; chimney.
See also:
blil a chedib, expr.anthill.
See also:
blil a chelakngikl, expr.bee hive.
See also:
blil a cheluch, expr.any container for gasoline, cooking oil, etc..
See also:
blil a chemochem, expr.bladder; bedpan.
See also:
blil a dach, expr.sewage plant.
See also:
blil a dangs, expr.dance hall.
See also:
blil a dongu, expr.toolshed.
See also:
blil a kas, expr.gas station.
See also:
blil a kelebus, expr.jailhouse.
See also:
blil a kesako , expr.burrow; small hole in ground.
See also:
blil a klas, expr.eyeglasses case.
See also:
blil a klekool, expr.gymnasium; sports stadium.
See also:
blil a komi, expr.trash can.
See also:
blil a mesobil , expr.brothel; whorehouse.
See also:
blil a mlai, expr.garage.
See also:
blil a ngal, expr.termites' nest.
See also:
blil a ngellakel, expr.person at whom jokes are directed.
See also:
blil a ngikel, expr.aquarium.
See also:
blil a ngloik, expr.dance hall.
See also:
blil a ongdibel, expr.meeting-house.
See also:
blil a rekodo, expr.record jacket; record cabinet.
See also:
blil a tekoi, expr.person about whom others are gossiping or making derogatory comments.
See also:
blil a terached, expr.person who has behaved shamefully.
See also:
bliochel a rengul, expr.sincere; open-minded.
See also:
blosech a rengul, expr.having strange feelings about; be suspicious of.
See also:
blotech a rengul, expr.pleased; satisfied; appeased.
See also:
blsebselel a ding, expr.opening of ear; hole for earring.
See also:
blsebselel a iis, expr.nostril.
See also:
blungel a brer, expr.raised platform in center of raft.
See also:
blungel a mesei, expr.center of taro patch.
See also:
bngel a daob er a chelmoll , expr.the breaking of the ocean on the reef.
See also:
bngel a eabed , expr.crack of dawn.
See also:
bobai a bdelul, expr.dull; slow-witted.
See also:
boes er a ngikel, expr.spear-gun.
See also:
boes er a ulekbut, expr.blowgun.
See also:
boi er a oliochel, expr.land marker.
See also:
bokket er a mlai, expr.glove compartment of car.
See also:
bomk er a cheluch, expr.fuel pump.
See also:
brechel a uel, expr.spearing of turtles.
See also:
bsechel a biib, expr.green (in color).
See also:
bsechel a but, expr.pubic hair.
See also:
bsechel a mad, expr.eyelash.
See also:
btanget a oeacher, expr.shoe brush; action of polishing shoes.
See also:
btil a bedul, expr.back of head.
See also:
btuch er a ngebard, expr.bright star in western sky.
See also:
btuch er a ongos, expr.bright star in eastern sky.
See also:
bub er a chemang,
, expr.
crab trap.
See also:
budel a bedengel, expr.skin.
See also:
budel a daob, expr.surface of sea.
See also:
budel a ngais, expr.eggshell.
See also:
buil a medal, expr.have large, round, saucer-shaped eyes.
See also:
bungel a diil , expr.celebration for first born child of a married couple (with presents given by father's family).
See also:
chad er a Biskor, expr.Peace Corps volunteer.
See also:
chad er a Dois, expr.German.
See also:
chad er a Marsial, expr.Marshallese.
See also:
chad er a Merikel, expr.American.
See also:
chad er a Modekngei, expr.follower of Modekngei.
See also:
chad er a Siabal, expr.Japanese (person).
See also:
chad er a Sina, expr.Chinese person.
See also:
chad er a bakutsi, expr.gambler.
See also:
chad er a balech, expr.archer.
See also:
chad er a bekai, expr.potter.
See also:
chad er a bekall, expr.driver.
See also:
chad er a beluu , expr.fellow villager.
See also:
chad er a bengall, expr.inhabitant of Ngerechelong.
See also:
chad er a blai, expr.members of the family.
See also:
chad er a blengur, expr.person who likes to eat a lot.
See also:
chad er a buai, expr.persons active in community affairs.
See also:
chad er a chais, expr.person who always has news to tell.
See also:
chad er a charm, expr.butcher; cattle-raiser.
See also:
chad er a chei, expr.fisherman.
See also:
chad er a cheisei, expr.sanitation inspector.
See also:
chad er a cheldecheduch, expr.story teller; person skilled in talking or having many girlfriends.
See also:
chad er a chelebacheb, expr.inhabitant of Beliliou or Ngeaur (pejorative term).
See also:
chad er a cheleblad, expr.deceiver; cheater.
See also:
chad er a dangs , expr.person who likes dancing.
See also:
chad er a daob, expr.person knowledgeable about the sea.
See also:
chad er a desachel, expr.canoe builder.
See also:
chad er a diall, expr.sailor.
See also:
chad er a government, expr.government employee.
See also:
chad er a honto, expr.inhabitant of Babeldaob.
See also:
chad er a iungs, expr.islander (way of referring to inhabitants of other Micronesian districts).
See also:
chad er a kansok, expr.weatherman.
See also:
chad er a kerrekeriil, expr.judge; prosecutor.
See also:
chad er a klekool, expr.person skilled at games; player; team member; athlete; sportsman.
See also:
chad er a koad, expr.person knowledgeable about fighting techniques; person good at shirking responsibility.
See also:
chad er a llach, expr.lawyer.
See also:
chad er a mekaeb, expr.inhabitant of Peleliu.
See also:
chad er a mekemad, expr.warrior.
See also:
chad er a mengikai, expr.good swimmer.
See also:
chad er a menguiu, expr.avid reader; bookworm.
See also:
chad er a moros, expr.barbarian; cannibal.
See also:
chad er a ngebard, expr.Westerner; foreigner (including Japanese).
See also:
chad er a ngellakel, expr.jokester.
See also:
chad er a ochalechutem, expr.inhabitant of Babeldaob.
See also:
chad er a olai, expr.magician.
See also:
chad er a omelasech, expr.carpenter.
See also:
chad er a omenged , expr.fisherman.
See also:
chad er a omengkar, expr.member of patrol.
See also:
chad er a omenguiu, expr.avid reader; bookworm.
See also:
chad er a omesumech, expr.masseur.
See also:
chad er a ongedechuul, expr.clever person; person with knack for doing things.
See also:
chad er a ongelil, expr.fortune-teller; seer.
See also:
chad er a ongeu, expr.rudderman; person who steers boat.
See also:
chad er a ongos, expr.legendary figurs who came from and showed Palauans how to use fire.
See also:
chad er a oreomel, expr.person knowledgeable about the forest; hermit.
See also:
chad er a rael, expr.outsiders.
See also:
chad er a reng, expr.considerate person.
See also:
chad er a sbots, expr.athlete; sportsman.
See also:
chad er a sebadong, expr.Seventh Day Adventists.
See also:
chad er a sers, expr.farmer.
See also:
chad er a sers er a bung, expr.florist.
See also:
chad er a sibai, expr.actor; jokester.
See also:
chad er a ta el renged, expr.members of the same religious group; inhabitants of hamlets belonging to same municipality.
See also:
chad er a techelbakl, expr.good diver.
See also:
chad er a temall, expr.practitioner of black magic.
See also:
chad er a uchul a eanged, expr.foreigner.
See also:
chad er a urech, expr.midget.
See also:
chainoko er a Merikel, expr.half-American and half-Palauan child.
See also:
chainoko er a Siabal, expr.half-Japanese and half-Palauan child.
See also:
chebecheb a bdelul, expr.(head) bowed.
See also:
chebecheb a btil, expr.woman with hard-to-reach vagina.
See also:
cheberdil a redil, expr.beautiful or appealing girl.
See also:
cheberdil a rengul, expr.object of one's feelings/affections.
See also:
chebirukel a osengel, expr.one's vision is crooked.
See also:
chebosech a ngerel, expr.boring; dull; poor at speaking.
See also:
chebosech a rengul, expr.boring; dull; poor at speaking.
See also:
chedal a cheldebechel, expr.member of the group.
See also:
chedal a chelid, expr.person having religion; believer.
See also:
chedal a ochil, expr.lap; upper thigh.
See also:
chedil a chei, expr.low tide.
See also:
chedil a orakiruu, expr.apogee tide at full moon.
See also:
chedil a reng, expr.thirst.
See also:
chedil a tab el buil, expr.apogee tide on first day of new moon.
See also:
chedul a bilas, expr.center of boat.
See also:
chedul a blai, expr.main horizontal beam of thatched roof.
See also:
chelad a dingal , expr.unconcerned; stoned; intoxicated from marijuana.
See also:
chelam a rengul, expr.heartbroken.
See also:
cheldeng a rengul, expr.confused; surprised; stubborn; dull-witted; slow (in understanding).
See also:
cheldngelel a chim, expr.finger.
See also:
cheldngelel a oach, expr.toe.
See also:
cheldngelel a tuu, expr.banana (connected to or separated from a bunch).
See also:
chelebedel a ding, expr.outer part of ear (including lobe).
See also:
chelebedel a diokang, expr.stem of tapioca plant.
See also:
chelebedel a tuu, expr.stem of banana tree.
See also:
chelebsul a daob, expr.whirlpool.
See also:
chelebuul er a mekemad, expr.war poverty.
See also:
chelechedal a bail, expr.shirt; blouse.
See also:
chelechedal a blai, expr.frame or skeleton of house.
See also:
chelechedal a ochur, expr.basic principles of mathematics.
See also:
chelechedal a tekoi, expr.essence of the matter.
See also:
chelemekl a rengul, expr.(person) holding a grudge; (person) strong, stubborn, persistent, determined.
See also:
chelilai er a ngebard,
, expr.
See also:
chelisemesomel a chim, expr.arms folded.
See also:
chellel a meas, expr.rain which attracts large school of rabbit fish.
See also:
chellel a ngebard, expr.rain coming on west wind.
See also:
chellel a ongos, expr.rain coming on east wind.
See also:
chellel a orakiruu, expr.rain at time of full moon.
See also:
cheloit a klemtengel, expr.(person) free or unrestricted.
See also:
chelsel a bad, expr.in or among the coral.
See also:
chelsel a bail, expr.undershirt; T-shirt.
See also:
chelsel a blsibs, expr.inside of the hole.
See also:
chelsel a kall, expr.in/inside the food.
See also:
chelsel a klengar, expr.within (one's) lifetime.
See also:
chelsel a skidas, expr.inside of the drawer.
See also:
chelsel a taoch, expr.in/inside the channel.
See also:
chelsmekemek a uldesuel, expr.(person) closed-minded; not willing to consider different ideas.
See also:
cheluchul a kuzira, expr.whale blubber.
See also:
cheluchul a skoki , expr.castor bean.
See also:
chelusem a ngerel , expr.silent; not contributing to conversation.
See also:
chemadech a rebub, expr.basil.
See also:
chemars a baketengel, expr.have a mind like a sieve; talk through one's hat.
See also:
cheme el omtok er a ngesachel, expr.do something which will backfire on oneself or have unpleasant consequences (literally; defecate against slope (so that excrement slides back down)).
See also:
cheremremangel a rengul, expr.greedy; stingy.
See also:
chereomel a uchuchel, expr.have a lot of pubic hair.
See also:
cheroel a chim, expr.palm of hand.
See also:
cheroel a oach, expr.sole of foot.
See also:
cherredechel a mlai, expr.noise of cars of traffic.
See also:
cherrengelel a klalo, expr.the whole thing.
See also:
cherrengelel a tekoi, expr.the whole matter.
See also:
cherrumet a btil, expr.(woman) having insides worn out from too much sexual intercourse.
See also:
chertechetel a ongor, expr.pandanus spine.
See also:
cheruchem a ngerel, expr.having a short or narrow chin.
cheseb er a ngebard, expr.first quarter of moon.
See also:
cheseb er a ongos, expr.third quarter of moon.
See also:
chesechesil a chimak, expr.scab on my hand.
See also:
chesechil a malk, expr.cockscomb plant.
See also:
chesengel a kitalong, expr.soot or ink used with kitalong.
See also:
chesengel a luut, expr.squid's ink.
See also:
chesengel a oluches, expr.mark from pencil lead.
See also:
chesmerel a mado, expr.moving part of window.
See also:
chesmerel a mlai, expr.car door.
See also:
chetengeklel a Droteo, expr.praise for Droteo.
See also:
chiekl er a rebotel, expr.fruit worm.
See also:
chietel a odoim, expr.coconut milk to be cooked with fish.
See also:
chietel a ongraol, expr.coconut milk to be cooked with tapioca, taro, etc.
See also:
chiltel a mekngit el rakt, expr.oil to prevent disease caused by evil spirits.
See also:
chiltel a mesil, expr.sewing machine oil.
See also:
chiltel a oeacher, expr.shoe polish.
See also:
chimo er a edeitiud, expr.one third.
See also:
chimo er a euaitiud, expr.one fourth.
See also:
chiollel a Toki, expr.waiting for Toki.
See also:
chisel a Toki, expr.news about Toki.
See also:
chisel a beluu, expr.news about one's village or country.
See also:
chisel a kodall, expr.news of (someone's) death.
See also:
chisil a tuu, expr.banana blossom.
See also:
chiuesechel a mad, expr.tears.
See also:
chiuesel a ulul, expr.breastbone.
See also:
cholarch a teliakl, expr.Saying good bye to the deceased as his or her days of mourning have been fulfilled.
See also:
chuarm a daob, expr.first day after full moon.
See also:
chudelel a delal, expr.aunt.
See also:
chull el domedemii a daob, expr.a calming effect (literally rain calms the ocean).
See also:
chural a nguis, expr.snake's tongue; plant in milkweed family.
See also:
churul a dul, expr.rib of coconut frond.
See also:
dai er a mesil, expr.support or stand for machine.
See also:
debar er a mesei, expr.Australian grey duck.
See also:
debel a cheuchel, expr.the ocean between Babeldaob and Ngcheangel.
See also:
debel a klengoes, expr.salt water for cooking klengoes.
See also:
debel a mekaeb, expr.the ocean between Angaur and Peliliu.
See also:
debel a mekaeb, expr.the ocean between Angaur and Peleliu.
See also:
debel a mlai, expr.boat's wake.
See also:
debel a redil, expr.labor pains.
See also:
dechal a rengul , expr.perseverance; ambition; strong will.
See also:
dechil a cheramrou, expr.sand mound from digging of small mangrove crab.
See also:
dechil a deel, expr.rust.
See also:
dechil a iis, expr.mucus.
See also:
dechil a mad, expr.secretion from eye.
See also:
dechil a uingel, expr.tartar or scum on teeth.
See also:
dekedekel a tebel, expr.table cloth.
See also:
dekelel er a dmolech, expr.friend or mainstay in times of need.
See also:
delal a blai, expr.very large house.
See also:
delal a blengur, expr.sumptuous feast.
See also:
delal a chelebuul, expr.disaster; calamity.
See also:
delal a delak, expr.my maternal grandmother.
See also:
delal a demak, expr.my paternal grandmother.
See also:
delal a diall, expr.tremendous ship.
See also:
delal a diu, expr.very loud noise.
See also:
delal a kar, expr.syn. ongael.
See also:
delal a kerior, expr.disaster; calamity.
See also:
delal a omekuluoll, expr.main floor beams of bai or house.
See also:
delbeseaol a rengul, expr.aimless; idle; foolish.
See also:
delechel a odis, expr.perigee tide in early spring and late summer.
See also:
delechel a orakiruu, expr.perigee tide at full moon.
See also:
delechel a tab el buil, expr.perigee tide on first day of new moon.
See also:
delekmesel a eolt, expr.humidity.
See also:
delel a oach, expr.calf of leg.
See also:
dellechelel a otengel, expr.hollow of the cheeks.
See also:
delul a chudel, expr.bushy area; area within the grass.
See also:
delul a kerrekar, expr.area under and between the trees; among the trees.
See also:
delul er a sils, expr.sunburned.
See also:
demal a delak, expr.my maternal grandfather.
See also:
demal a demak, expr.my paternal grandfather.
See also:
dengarech a btil , expr.woman with easy-to-reach vagina.
See also:
dengebel a belatong, expr.cover for a bowl.
See also:
dengebel a butiliang, expr.bottle cap.
See also:
dengebel a kahol, expr.cover of (wooden) box. Cover of coffin.
See also:
dengebel a mad, expr.eyelid.
See also:
dengebel a olekang, expr.lid of a pot.
See also:
deremkel a derumk, expr.boom of thunder.
See also:
derta er a, expr.one each.
See also:
diak a rengul, expr.inconsiderate; impolite.
See also:
diak a ultutelel, expr.useless; meaningless; trivial.
See also:
diak lemesim a rengul, expr.stick to one's convictions; not change one's mind.
See also:
diak lodengelii a rengul, expr.(person) unaware of his limitations or overestimates his abilities or overextends himself with committments.
See also:
diak lua ildisel a, expr.very many; not like any quantity of something imaginable.
See also:
diall er a mekemad, expr.warship.
See also:
dichel a buil , expr.moonbeam.
See also:
dichel a sils, expr.sun ray.
See also:
didichel a otoel , expr.beam of flashlight.
See also:
didil a charm, expr.beams or rafters at ends and sides of house (on which rats often run).
See also:
didimel a bilas, expr.spray from moving boat.
See also:
didimel a chull, expr.spray from blowing rain.
See also:
didimel a daob, expr.salt spray; spray from breaking waves.
See also:
didimel a mlai, expr.spray from car (hitting puddle, etc.).
See also:
diong er a ngedeloch, expr.legendary stream when old women bathe to become youthful again.
See also:
diul a mekemad, expr.war cry or call.
See also:
dmak a rengrir, expr.have close relationship; feel the same about (things).
See also:
dmeu a rengul, expr.happy; glad; joyful; appreciative.
See also:
dmolech a chei, expr.high tide.
See also:
dmolech a rengul, expr.wise; prudent; careful in planning ahead.
See also:
dmolech a uldesuel, expr.wise; prudent; careful in planning ahead.
See also:
doall a medal , expr.have a black eye.
See also:
doall er a chelebed, expr.bruise.
See also:
doaoch a rengul, expr.indecisive; fickle; inconsistent; prone to changing one's mind.
See also:
dongu er a kldaiksang, expr.carpentry tools.
See also:
duchel a lius, expr.steps chopped out in coconut tree trunk for purpose of climbing.
See also:
dusel a olik , expr.uncomfortable sleeping position.
See also:
duul a delak, expr.my maternal grandmother.
See also:
duul a demak, expr.my paternal gramdmother.
See also:
ede er a euaitiud, expr.three fourths.
See also:
el kirel a, expr.about; concerning; for (someone's) benefit.
See also:
el mo er a chiliuades, expr.forever; eternally.
See also:
el mo er a emel, expr.in the direction of land.
See also:
el mo er a ikrel, expr.in the direction beyond the reef.
See also:
el mo er a medad, expr.in the future.
See also:
el mo lmuut er a, expr.going all the way to.
See also:
el okiu a cheldecheduch , expr.according to the story.
See also:
el okiu a ngeso , expr.with the help of.
See also:
eltel a ngebard, expr.west wind.
See also:
engedel a mad, expr.eye brow.
See also:
er a bebil er a taem, expr.sometimes.
See also:
er a bek el klebesei, expr.every day; daily.
See also:
er a ede el klok me a tedobech, expr.at three thirty.
See also:
er a elecha el taem, expr.these days.
See also:
er a elecha el tutau, expr.this morning.
See also:
er a eru el klok, expr.at two o'clock.
See also:
er a euid el kebesengil a elecha el buil, expr.on the 7th of this month.
See also:
er a idelsebel, expr.three days ago.
See also:
er a ikrel ngiosel, expr.four or more days from now.
See also:
er a kebesenge er a klukuk, expr.tomorrow evening.
See also:
er a klukuk er a kebesengei, expr.tomorrow evening.
See also:
er a klukuk er a tutau, expr.tomorrow morning.
See also:
er a ngiosel, expr.three days from now.
See also:
er a rokui el taem, expr.always; all the time.
See also:
er a sueleb er a klebesei, expr.at midnight.
See also:
er a ta el klok, expr.at one o'clock.
See also:
er a teruich me a eru el klok er a klebesei, expr.at twelve midnight.
See also:
er a teruich me a eua el kebesengil a ongeru el buil, expr.on the 14th of February.
See also:
er a tutau er a elii, expr.yesterday morning.
See also:
er a tutau er a klukuk, expr.tomorrow morning.
See also:
er a uche er a, expr. before.
See also:
er a uche er a cheldecheduch, expr.before the meeting.
See also:
er a uche er a idelsebel, expr.four or more days ago.
See also:
er a uriul er a, expr.after.
See also:
er a uriul er a cheldecheduch, expr.after the meeting.
See also:
er se er a, expr.when (in the past).
See also:
er se er a Sebadong, expr.last Saturday.
See also:
er se er a mekemad, expr.during the war.
See also:
er se er a taem er a Siabal, expr.during the Japanese times.
See also:
er se er a taem er a mekemad, expr.during the war.
See also:
er se er a taem er a mekemad, expr.during the war.
See also:
eru er a edeitiud, expr.two thirds.
See also:
eungel a tebel, expr.space under(neath) the table.
See also:
ibuchel er a ngemai, expr.sea urchins found in great quantity in shallow; fortunate person who without any effort on his part gets showered with gifts or girlfriends.
See also:
idekel a but, expr.buttocks.
See also:
idekelel a bilem, expr.the filthiness of your clothes.
See also:
ikrel a blai, expr.outside of the house.
See also:
ilkelkel a btelum, expr.your stupidity.
See also:
ilkelkel a rengul, expr.his stupidity.
See also:
ilkelkel a rum, expr.darkness or gloominess of the room.
See also:
ilotel a chelakngikl, expr.honey.
See also:
ilotel a chilakngil, expr.honey.
See also:
ilumel er a party, expr.party drink.
See also:
imiit a medal, expr.asleep.
See also:
imings a medal, expr.
See also:
ingsel a Belau, expr.islands of Palau.
See also:
ius er a Belau, expr.Palauan crocodile (without webbed feet).
See also:
ius er a chomote, expr.non-indigenous crocodile (with webbed feet).
See also:
kaker a mongk, expr.make a complaint; complain; criticize.
See also:
kaker a monku, expr., [From Japanese] to make a complaint.
See also:
kall er a Sina, expr.Chinese food.
See also:
kall er a mekemad, expr.C-rations.
See also:
kall er a ngebard, expr.Western food.
See also:
kalngebard er a Belau, expr.plant in Verbena family (Gmelina elliptica).
See also:
kata er a keik, expr.cake pan.
kebekakl a klengit, expr.venial sin.
See also:
kedeb a klengar, expr.have short life span.
See also:
kedeb a rengul, expr.short tempered; impatient.
See also:
kedeb a telil, expr.short-winded.
See also:
kedelal a blai, expr.very large house.
See also:
kedelal a ngikel, expr.very large fish.
See also:
kederrir a blai, expr.very large house.
See also:
kederrir a ngikel, expr.very large fish.
See also:
kedidai a rengul, expr.stubborn; scornful; condescending.
See also:
kedorem a medal, expr.look angry/proud/condescending.
See also:
kekemanget a chimal, expr.prone to stealing things.
See also:
kekere a chei, expr.tide is low (but not as low as normal).
See also:
kekere a dolech, expr.tide is about half high.
See also:
kekere a ngerel, expr.talk too softly.
See also:
kekere a rengul, expr.uncomfortable; impatient.
See also:
kekka er a sengkio, expr.election results.
See also:
kekul a ius, expr.hanging club moss.
See also:
kekul a katuu, expr.cat's claw.
See also:
kekul a oach, expr.toenail.
See also:
kelekeltel a bedengel, expr.coolness of body (esp., extremities).
See also:
kelekolt er a mochu tutau, expr.pre-dawn chill.
See also:
kelel a boes, expr.bullet
See also:
kelel a charm, expr.food or feed for animals.
See also:
kemanget a chimal, expr.prone to stealing things.
See also:
kemanget a chimal , expr.prone to stealing things.
kemanget a klengar , expr.have long life span.
See also:
kemanget a osengel, expr.staring at; looking at for a long time.
See also:
kemanget a telil, expr.capable of holding one's breath (e.g. under water) for a long time.
See also:
kemril a mad, expr.outside corner of eye.
See also:
kengodech a tekingir, expr.(two people) say two different things about something.
See also:
kengodech a teletelir, expr.(two people) act or behave differently (from each other).
See also:
keremerem a rengul, expr.stupid; ignorant.
See also:
kerremelel a chelsang , expr.those preparing food for a ceremonious occasion.
See also:
kersos a rengul, expr.yearning; anxious (to see).
See also:
kerul a bingsbedul, expr.medicine from headache.
See also:
kerul a boes, expr.ammunition; gun-powder.
See also:
kerul a chi, expr.stomach medicine.
See also:
kesekodel er a udoud, expr.(person) having little money or financial margin; (person) low in funds.
See also:
kesengel a klaubetikerreng, expr.strength of mutual affection.
See also:
kesib a rengul, expr.angry.
See also:
ketom a ngerel, expr.have difficulty talking to someone; have no authority or right to talk to someone.
See also:
kets er a bail, expr.fasitidious or possessive on one's clothes.
See also:
kets er a kall, expr.stingy with food.
See also:
kie a rengul , expr.calm down; stop worrying.
See also:
kie er a medual, expr.live or stay in wife's family's village.
See also:
kikil a delam, expr.Your mother's vagina (very offensive insult).
See also:
kikiongel a rengul, expr.(person is) obstinate/uncooperative; sullen.
See also:
kimir a cheril, expr.giggle; chuckle; small laugh; smirk.
See also:
kisel a klok, expr.winding mechanism of clock or watch.
See also:
klalo er a Siabal, expr.Japanese product.
See also:
kldachelbai er a chim, expr.handicraft.
See also:
kldebengel a taem, expr.short period of time.
See also:
kldekudel el mo er a Dios, expr.fear of God; respect for the Lord.
See also:
klebngel a beab, expr.type of grass in Amaryllis family.
See also:
klekedellel er a mekemad, expr.weapon; arms.
See also:
klekosek a ngerel, expr.talk too much; have no control over one's mouth.
See also:
klemat er a beluu, expr.village leadership.
See also:
klemengel a bokitang, expr.tentacle of octopus.
See also:
klemengel a chim, expr.finger.
See also:
klemengel a oach, expr.toe.
See also:
klemtengel a beluu, expr.village leader.
See also:
klider a delechil, expr.worry; have butterflies in one's mouth.
See also:
klider a delechil , expr.worry; have butterflies in one's stomach.
See also:
klikiid a rengul, expr.uninvolved.
See also:
klil a cheremrum , expr.parasitic sea animal living inside cheremrum.
See also:
klil a kim , expr.parasitic (shrimp-like) sea animal living inside clam.
See also:
klil a molech, expr.parasitic sea animal living inside molech.
See also:
klil a molech , expr.parasitic sea animal living inside sea cucumber.
See also:
kliungel a beluu, expr.pretty girls of the village.
See also:
kliungel a kall, expr.dessert for (a particular) food.
See also:
kloklek er a demak, expr.things handed down for me by my father.
See also:
kloklel a bedengel, expr.one's personal property.
See also:
klou a chei, expr.tide is low.
See also:
klou a chull, expr.heavy rain.
See also:
klou a delel , expr.have a pot belly; have a large belly (e.g., when pregnant).
See also:
klou a dolech, expr.tide is high.
See also:
klou a ngerel, expr.talk too loud.
See also:
klou a rengul, expr.patient; confident.
See also:
klou a ultutelel, expr.important.
See also:
klou er a rengul, expr.determined.
See also:
klsbengel a rengul, expr.anger.
See also:
klurt a rengul, expr.(feelings) hurt.
See also:
kmard a medal, expr.eyes are bloodshot; face shows angry expression.
See also:
kmes a chei, expr.slack tide; neap tide.
See also:
kmes a cheraches, expr.when the tide goes down very slowly.
See also:
kmes a usekerel el chad, expr.person who is hard to coax or flatter; person who is firm or straight-laced.
See also:
kngtil a rengul, expr.(someone's) being mean or feeling sad or frustrated.
See also:
ko er a belsiochel el erabrukl, expr.
See also:
kodur a mekemad, expr. declare war.
See also:
kombalii er a Siabal, expr.Japanese company.
See also:
komeklii a rengul, expr.(person) controlling themselves; (person) holding their tongue.
See also:
komu er a oluches, expr.pencil eraser.
See also:
kotai er a ochur, expr.answer to the math problem.
See also:
kotel a oach, expr.heel.
See also:
krasia er a Dios, expr.grace of God.
See also:
ksull a ulul, expr.(have) hairy chest.
See also:
kumi er a klausau, expr.condom.
See also:
lechetel a bdelul, expr.bandanna; scarf.
See also:
lechetel a chui, expr.hair tie.
See also:
lechul a bodk, expr.scar from operation.
See also:
lechul a delul, expr.scar from burn.
See also:
lekel a kuzira, expr.whale blubber.
See also:
lemelemel a blai, expr.length of house.
See also:
lengelel a charm, expr.sound or cry of animal.
See also:
lengelel a ngas, expr.whistling of wind in ironwood tree.
See also:
lengiil a blai, expr.house for rent; hotel.
See also:
letkel a Droteo er a mekemad, expr.Droteo's remembrance of the war.
See also:
lkel a olekang, expr.leaves put in bottom of pot so contents will not stick during cooking.
See also:
lkel a sualo, expr.leaves, paper, etc. put in bottom of basket so that contents will not get dirty or fall through openings.
See also:
llel a babier, expr.piece/sheet of paper.
See also:
llel a hong, expr.page of a book.
See also:
llel a kerrekar, expr.leaves of the tree.
See also:
llel a lius, expr.coconut leaves.
See also:
llemesel a btelum, expr.your intelligence.
See also:
llemesel a rengul, expr.his/her/its intelligence.
See also:
llemesel a rum, expr.brightness of the room.
See also:
llomes me a klebesei, expr.day and night.
See also:
loia a ochil e nguu, expr.walk really fast; half-walk or half-run; hardly put one's feet on the ground.
See also:
loia a rurt el rubak, expr.half-walk and half-run; walk (like an old man) with a determined gait.
See also:
luut er a rengul, expr.anything causing one to lose one's resolve.
See also:
machod me a orung, expr.twelve.
See also:
machod me a tang, expr.eleven.
See also:
mad er a kall, expr.die of hunger.
See also:
me a kuk kesengil, expr.so at least.
See also:
me a lmuut, expr.also; in addition.
See also:
me a uriul, expr.good-bye; see you later; until later.
See also:
me isei a uchul e, expr.therefore.
See also:
mechad a ding, expr.deaf.
See also:
mechas a rengul, expr.be surprised at.
See also:
meched a chei, expr.tide is low.
See also:
meched a rengul, expr.thirsty; impatient; prone to overreact; (deprived and) having strong desire for.
See also:
mechese a rengul, expr.becoming surprised.
See also:
mechitechut a rengul, expr.weak willed; unmotivated; easily discouraged.
See also:
mechuached a rengul, expr.evil; mean; stubborn.
See also:
mechubel a ilengel, expr.brief downpour of rain.
See also:
medal a bedul, expr.forehead.
See also:
medal a beluu, expr.representative of the village; center of village.
See also:
medal a blik, expr.in front of my house.
See also:
medal a boes, expr.sharpened projectile ejected from speargun; opening or end of gun barrel.
See also:
medal a klok, expr.face of clock or watch.
See also:
medal a kluk, expr.type of Palauan money.
See also:
medal a melibes, expr.space between opened shells of clam.
See also:
medal a molech, expr.glans penis.
See also:
medal a oak, expr.anchor.
See also:
medal a olecholech er a deel, expr.blade of hacksaw.
See also:
medal a olekesongel, expr.belt buckle.
See also:
medal a oles, expr.cutting edge of knife (including point).
See also:
medal a oluches, expr.pencil point.
See also:
medal a tangk, expr.faucet.
See also:
medal a taoch, expr.entrance to mangrove channel.
See also:
medal a tut, expr.breast nipple; nipple of baby-bottle.
See also:
medal a uingel, expr.front teeth.
See also:
medbedibek a chull, expr.rain is intermittent.
See also:
medebdobd a telil, expr.
See also:
medebed a ochil, expr.walk carefully, quietly or softly.
See also:
medeel me a derengel, expr.have more than enough (lit. have plenty and then more); can well afford.
See also:
medelodel a oach, expr.feet get swollen.
See also:
medemedemek a rengul , expr.kind; generous.
See also:
medengelii a rengul, expr.regain consciousness (after a faint or stroke); (person) self-confident or self-assured; (person) knowing his abilities or capacities.
See also:
mederdirk a rengul, expr.feel scorn for.
See also:
medinges er a tekoi, expr.fed up with the matter or affair.
See also:
medual a kambalang, expr.bell-clapper.
See also:
medual a klok, expr.pendulum.
See also:
medual a olebedabel, expr.hanging weight of scale.
See also:
meduch a ngerel, expr.good at explaining things clearly; glib; prone to finding excuses; name of Ngcheangel banana.
See also:
meduch a rengul, expr.hard-working; conscientious; strong-willed; persevering.
See also:
meduis er a bekall, expr.good at maneuvering around in moving canoe.
See also:
meduis er a mlai, expr.good at maneuvering around in moving canoe.
See also:
medul a rengul, expr.disgusted with.
See also:
medulel a chim, expr.crook of arm.
See also:
medulel a iis, expr.bridge of nose.
See also:
medulel a oach, expr.crook or bend of leg.
See also:
mekabs er a tang, expr.lose to nanatang (high value scoring combination).
See also:
mekeald a rengul, expr.feel hot inside.
See also:
mekereker a medal, expr.have alert or robust face.
See also:
mekider a delechil, expr.get sudden feeling of fear, worry or excitement; get butterflies in one's stomach.
See also:
mekikngit a rengul, expr.feel rather sad or sorry about; rather mean or inconsiderate.
See also:
meklou a bekesel a ochil, expr.walk with short steps.
See also:
meklou a otengel, expr.have fat cheeks.
See also:
mekngit a bdelul, expr.stupid.
See also:
mekngit a eanged, expr.weather is bad.
See also:
mekngit a medal, expr.have a sad face; look distressed.
See also:
mekngit a rengul, expr.feel sorry/sad about; mean; inconsiderate.
See also:
mekngit er a cheisei, expr.bad for the health; (person) poor in personal hygiene.
See also:
mekngit er a rengul, expr.not good for; not all right with.
See also:
mekreos a rengul, expr.miserly; avaricious; selfish.
See also:
mekurs a oruoru, expr.action begins.
See also:
mekurt a rengul, expr.(someone's) feelings hurt.
See also:
melai a chais, expr.take a look at (something unusual).
See also:
melai a chesimer, expr.open the door.
See also:
melai a ngar er a emel el tekoi, expr.try to find something out indirectly; try to find out what is really behind the situation.
See also:
melai a techei, expr.take revenge; get back at.
See also:
melai a tekoi, expr.bring or convey news, ideas, opinions of; take advice of.
See also:
melai er a kataki, expr.take revenge.
See also:
melai er a rengul, expr.persuade.
See also:
melam a medal, expr.rub one's eyes or face; be sleepy.
See also:
melamet er a rengul, expr.do things as one pleases.
See also:
melamk a oriik, expr.make broom out of chur (=subsidiary ribs of coconut frond) by stripping of leaves.
See also:
melanges a mad, expr.make sure that one's behaving properly (i.e., look up at someone else's face to see whether or not he is angry).
See also:
melaok a cheldechedechal, expr.good at speaking; eloquent.
See also:
melaok a ngerel, expr.good at speaking; eloquent.
See also:
melaok a rengul, expr.adulterous; acquisitive.
See also:
melatk a rengul, expr.consider someone's feelings.
See also:
melchesech a eolt er a ding, expr.slap or box someone's ears.
See also:
melecha a terechedel, expr.bring up negative aspects (of something).
See also:
melechang a llechul a rengul, expr.teach (someone) a lesson.
See also:
meleches a longang, expr.pick at one's food when eating; eat like a bird.
See also:
melekdik a delengchokl, expr.keep changing one's residence; not have a fixed abode.
See also:
melekedukem a ulul, expr.heart beats or pounds.
See also:
melekingel a chais, expr.news reporter.
See also:
melekingel a chelid, expr.missionary; representative of or speaking for the gods.
See also:
melekoi a chebechiil, expr.propose marriage.
See also:
melekoi a mongk, expr.make a complaint; complain; criticize.
See also:
melekoi a rengul, expr.determined; well-motivated; make rasping or humming sound in the lungs; make humming moise while sleeping; (cat) purr.
See also:
melekoi a terechedel, expr.bring up/talk about someone's bad traits.
See also:
melemalt a rengul, expr.fair; just; understanding; good-hearted.
See also:
melemed a rengul, expr.cool down one's anger.
See also:
melemedem er a rengul, expr.cool down one's anger.
See also:
melemlim a rengul, expr.Curious, prying, snoopy, inquisitive, nosy.
See also:
melengel a omerael, expr.middle of journey; on the way.
See also:
melengel a skuul, expr.middle of school day or year.
See also:
meleolt a rengul, expr.(person) carefree or nonchalant; (person) not easily disturbed or content to let things happen as they may.
See also:
meleteu a ngerel, expr.talk big; talk through one's hat.
See also:
meleu a ngerel, expr.open one's mouth; make claim.
See also:
melib er a rengul, expr.decide; make up one's mind.
See also:
melibech a tekoi, expr.change one's mind.
See also:
meliliut a berdel a ngerel, expr.have a tendency to gossip; reveal confidential information.
See also:
melim a chaiskurim, expr.eat ice cream.
See also:
melim a rasech, expr.bloodsucking.
See also:
melisiich a tekoi, expr.confirm; attest to.
See also:
meliud er a rak, expr.celebrate the New Year.
See also:
meliud er a ulul, expr.constitute one's real responsibility.
See also:
mellekulek a cheldelekelekel, expr.extremely dark-skinned.
See also:
mellemau el ua llel a lius , expr.green.
See also:
mellomes a bdelul, expr.smart; diligent.
See also:
mellomes a rengul, expr.smart; diligent.
See also:
meloched a berius, expr.(strong) current develops.
See also:
meloched a daob, expr.strong current develops.
See also:
meloched a daob , expr.strong current develops.
See also:
melouch a dui, expr.distribute titles.
See also:
meltekakl a llomes, expr.light spreads from horizon at dawn.
See also:
meluchel a tekoi , expr.gossip (i.e. provide one's relatives or others with words and information instead of food or services).
See also:
meluchel er a dui, expr.hold title.
See also:
meluil a daob, expr.ocean has rolling waves.
See also:
meluk er a chetemel, expr.make one's mark (somewhere); have an accident.
See also:
melul a chad, expr.cremate.
See also:
melul a chaus, expr.make lime (from corals).
See also:
melungel a medal, expr.kiss.
See also:
menga a beraom , expr.eat noisily.
See also:
menga a kesuk, expr.young; inexperienced (i.e.; eat inedible leaves as children do).
See also:
menga a llel a kesuk, expr.young; unexperienced.
See also:
menga a rebotel, expr.make noise or clamor (as if arguing over getting rebotel fruits).
See also:
menga a torech, expr.Palauan money without much value.
See also:
menga a ulkel, expr.eat a lot without showing an expanded belly.
See also:
menga a ulkel, expr.(person) who eats a lot but whose stomach does not expand; (person) having "hollow leg".
See also:
menga er a chull, expr.get caught or drenched in the rain.
See also:
mengad a dingal , expr.pretend not to hear; ignore.
See also:
mengaidesachel a rengul, expr.competitive.
See also:
mengam a ochil a katuu, expr.solidify a relationship (esp. by having sexual intercourse).
See also:
mengard er a chull, expr.get pelted with heavy rain.
See also:
mengard er a kelekolt , expr.get overexposed to cold; suffer from cold.
See also:
mengard er a kerrasem , expr.get overexposed to cold; suffer from cold.
See also:
mengard er a kleald , expr.get overexposed to heat; suffer from heat.
See also:
mengard er a klengiterreng , expr.suffer from sadness.
See also:
mengard er a ringel , expr.suffer.
See also:
mengarm a mecherocher, expr.take risk; bite off more than one can chew; overextend oneself.
See also:
mengas er a medal, expr.embarrass
See also:
mengas er a rengul, expr.astonished; surprised.
See also:
mengeanged a medal, expr.
See also:
mengedecheduch er a rengul, expr.think; say to oneself.
See also:
mengedidai er a rengul , expr.act stubbornly, scornfully or condescendingly.
See also:
mengelechel a uchach, expr.be the time of labek (i.e., time of large ocean swells and strong current); remind (usually, about big event).
See also:
mengelekel a ngikel, expr.a lot of small fish.
See also:
mengelim a chelebuul , expr.comfort; console.
See also:
mengellel a rael, expr.bend in the road.
See also:
mengellel a taoch, expr.bend in (mangrove) channel.
See also:
mengemkim er a cheril, expr.hold back laughter; stifle laughter; hide laughter.
See also:
mengeokl er a rengul, expr.burden; bother; cause concern; weigh on.
See also:
mengerar er a rengul , expr.criticise; insult; put down; make someone feel ashamed; hurt someone's feelings.
See also:
mengerekard a diu, expr.shout or yell out.
See also:
mengesbocheb a ulul, expr.suffer from chest pain or pressure.
See also:
mengesbreber a ulul, expr.have tight feeling in chest.
See also:
mengesib er a rengul , expr.get someone angry.
See also:
menglou er a ngerel, expr.brag; boast; have a big mouth.
See also:
menglou er a rengul, expr.try to make (someone, oneself) patient; assure; take edge of one's hunger.
See also:
mengoit a telil, expr.give one's last breath; die; expire.
See also:
mengol a otaor , expr.be homosexual or gay (referring to men only).
See also:
mengucheb er a medal, expr.frown.
See also:
menguchet a otaor, expr.be homosexual.
See also:
menguchet a raod, expr.be homosexual.
See also:
mengudel a blachel, expr.accumulate responsibilities or tasks; procrastinate.
See also:
mengudel a saker, expr.pay fine for adultery.
See also:
mengurs a ngurd, expr.(person) attractive.
See also:
mengurs er a rengul, expr.attract.
See also:
mengurt a rengul, expr.hurt (feelings); make (someone) despair.
See also:
meoud a bdelul, expr.ingenuous; slow-witted.
See also:
meoud a te, expr.slow witted.
See also:
mera el chad er a beluu, expr.legitimate resident; loyal citizen.
See also:
meradel er a ngebard, expr.non-indigenous orange.
See also:
merael a rasech, expr.bleed continously; have hemmorrhage.
See also:
merael a rengul, expr.indecisive.
See also:
merar a medal, expr.get very embarrassed.
See also:
merat a rengul, expr.deeply disappointed or hurt.
See also:
merech er a omerael, expr.prepare to leave.
See also:
mereched a bdelul, expr.shrewd; foxy; quick-witted; alert; fast-thinking.
See also:
mereched a chimal, expr.have sticky fingers; fast in stealing things.
See also:
mereched a te, expr.clever.
See also:
merecherechel a bail, expr.inside pocket.
See also:
merecherechel a bdelul, expr.bald spot.
See also:
merechorech a rengul, expr.selfish; greedy; stingy.
See also:
merekereked a eolt, expr.humid.
See also:
merekos a cheldechedechal, expr.talking sweetly or pleasantly (but usually, insincere or calculating).
See also:
merekos a ngerel, expr.skilled in talking; persuasive; smooth-talking.
See also:
merekos a tekingel, expr.talking sweetly or pleasantly (but usually, insincere or calculating).
See also:
mereng a saul, expr.thank someone for his trouble.
See also:
mereng er a rengul, expr.please; go along with (so as not to hurt feelings).
See also:
merengel a chebechiil, expr.marriage ceremony or feast.
See also:
meringel a bengchel, expr.have a nasty or sharp bite.
See also:
meringel a chechel, expr.strict.
See also:
meringel a chemelel, expr.tough character.
See also:
meringel a cheraches, expr.fast or strong outgoing tide.
See also:
meringel a cheral, expr.expensive.
See also:
meringel a daob, expr.ocean is rough or stormy.
See also:
meringel a kse, expr., [From Japanese] to be strict.
See also:
meringel a omerkaol, expr.have sore throat.
See also:
meringel a rengul, expr.feel bad about (something wasted); (something wasted) arouse sympathy; (something valuable) wasted.
See also:
meringel a sils, expr.sun is strong; weather is hot.
See also:
meringel a tekingel, expr.strict.
See also:
meringet a bad el mesil, expr.rock-crushing machine.
See also:
meringet a deb el mesil, expr.sugarcane-crushing machine.
See also:
merirem er a rengul, expr.hurt someone's feelings.
See also:
meritechetacheb a medal, expr.eyes hurt from lack of sleep.
See also:
merorem a medal , expr.signal or gesture with face or head.
See also:
merredel er a Merikel, expr.president of the U.S.
See also:
merredel er a blai, expr.head of household.
See also:
merrengel a delal, expr.aunt (mother's younger sister).
See also:
merresnga a malk, expr.(time when) rooster begins to crow (about 5 a.m.).
See also:
merruud a reng, expr.heart-breaker.
See also:
merusech a rengul, expr.repentant.
See also:
meruu a titimel, expr.perform poorly.
See also:
meruul a delengerenger, expr.commit mischief; break the law.
See also:
meruul a kldung, expr.perform one's obligations; uphold the law.
See also:
meruul a klengit, expr.commit a sin.
See also:
meruul a klungiaol, expr.do something good or helpful.
See also:
meruul a singio er ngii, expr.show (oneself) in a good light; show (oneself) to be responsible or trustworthy; put one's best foot forward.
See also:
meruul a tekoi, expr.speak or behave as if nothing is wrong.
See also:
meruul a temall, expr.perform black magic.
See also:
meruul er a delengcheklel, expr.make oneself comfortable; sit comfortably.
See also:
meruul er a ulaol, expr.re-establish friendly relationship between two families or clans (by exchanging money, etc.).
See also:
mesam a chimal, expr.physically threatening pose with arms and fists in a menacing posture; raising a hand or a fist as if to slap or punch someone.
See also:
mesaul a rengul, expr.not feel like.
See also:
mesbeda a rengul, expr.(person) come to realize or accept (fact, etc.).
See also:
mesechil a ding, expr.inner part of ear.
See also:
mesengul a ulul, expr.center of chest; sternum.
See also:
meses a eolt, expr.wind is strong.
See also:
meses a ochil, expr.(one) who likes to walk a lot.
See also:
meses a rengul, expr.industrious; diligent.
See also:
mesil er a dengki, expr.generator.
See also:
mesil er a kall, expr.food grinder.
See also:
mesil er a katsudo, expr.movie-projector.
See also:
mesil er a mamed, expr.sewing machine.
See also:
mesisiich a rengul, expr.strong-willed; motivated; determined; hard-working.
See also:
mesmesim a rengul, expr.unstable; changing one's mind easily.
See also:
mesubed a rengul, expr.accept; be resigned to; learn a lesson; learn from experience.
See also:
metacherebesul a ildois, expr.too great a quantity.
See also:
metengal a matang, expr.crotch of pants.
See also:
metengel a chull, expr.rain comes down.
See also:
metengel a ieleb, expr.flood descends or comes down (upon).
See also:
metetoech a medal, expr.condescending.
See also:
metik a kerior, expr.die; have an accident.
See also:
milil er a buil, expr.play outside in the moonlight.
See also:
milkolk a bdelul, expr.(person is) stupid.
See also:
milkolk a rengul, expr.(person is) stupid.
See also:
mimokl a rengul, expr.broad-minded.
See also:
mimokl a usekerel el chad, expr.person who is easy to coax or flatter; person who is flexible or generous.
See also:
mla mengchii a luk, expr.(person) gone silent [lit. has bitten silence]
See also:
mlad er a rrom, expr.drunk.
See also:
mlai er a Siabal, expr.Japanese car.
See also:
mlemlii a cheremrum , expr.brownish purple edible part of inside of sea cucumber.
See also:
mlil a bulis, expr.police car.
See also:
mlodars er a keiai, expr.
See also:
mo er a chei, expr.go fishing.
See also:
mo er a uchei, expr.come in first; win; go first.
See also:
mo mesisiich er a mekemad, expr.win in war.
See also:
moalech a rengul, expr.disappointed; dismayed.
See also:
mochero a daob, expr.ocean get rough or turbulent.
See also:
moded a rengul, expr.(person is) easygoing/even-tempered.
See also:
msa a kengei, expr.give or grant permission.
See also:
mungii a llomes , expr.break of dawn.
See also:
ng diak a chiollel, expr.impossible; (something that) will never happen.
See also:
ng diak a rolel e, expr.there's no way to/have no way to.
See also:
ng diak a rrengel, expr.unreserved; uninhibited; direct; not afraid to speak one's mind.
See also:
ngalek er a klsobiall, expr.bastard; child born out of wedlock.
See also:
ngalek er a oreomel, expr.fatherless child; bastard.
See also:
ngalek er a rael, expr.fatherless child; bastard.
See also:
ngalek er a skuul, expr.student; pupil.
See also:
ngar er a bab a rengul, expr.conceited; disrespectful; proud; arrogant; haughty; snobbish.
See also:
ngar er a bab el chad, expr.one's superior; wealthy/well-to-do person.
See also:
ngar er a chei, expr.fish for (food); take (food) from sea.
See also:
ngar er a eou a rengul, expr.(person is) humble/respectful.
See also:
ngar er a eungel a derdellel a Droteo, expr.be under Droteo's leadership.
See also:
ngar er a medal a klebesei, expr.the days ahead; future.
See also:
ngar er ngii er a bedengel a kmo, expr.have a premonition that; have a gut feeling that; feel in one's bones that.
See also:
ngebekel a bail, expr.ironing of clothes.
See also:
ngebekel a kerrekar, expr.planing of lumber.
See also:
ngebtel a katatsumuri, expr.sticky secretion from snail.
See also:
ngebtel a kerrekar, expr.resin of tree.
See also:
ngelekel a diil, expr.snack, light meal.
See also:
ngelekel a diu, expr.small amount of shouting.
See also:
ngelekel a klingel!, expr.son of a bitch!.
See also:
ngelekel a ngelekel, expr.grandchild.
See also:
ngelekel a rengul, expr.favorite child.
See also:
ngelekel a terechel, expr.child of infected wound. Used by adults to indicate disapproval or disgust to children who behaved inappropriately.
See also:
ngelekel a ureor, expr.small or insignificant task.
See also:
ngelekir a mesiich, expr.children of high clan.
See also:
ngelekir a ruchad, expr.first cousins through siblings of opposite sex (i.e.; children of brother and sister).
See also:
ngelekir a rudam, expr.first cousins through fathers (i.e. children of brothers).
See also:
ngelekir a rudos, expr.first cousins through mothers (i.e. children of sisters).
See also:
ngelem a rengul, expr.smart; clever; having a retentive memory.
See also:
ngellitel a rengul, expr.choosy.
See also:
ngemokel a rengul, expr.desirous off; lusting after.
See also:
ngerdel a ralm, expr.hoisting of water (from well).
See also:
ngerel a bilas, expr.sound of a boat.
See also:
ngerel a charm, expr.animal sound(s).
See also:
ngerel a omeius, expr.chant sung while paddling.
See also:
ngerel a ongurs, expr.chant sung to encourage people who are pulling a heavy object.
See also:
ngesechel a cherechar, expr.monument, memorial or artifact from the past.
See also:
ngetechel a mlai, expr.(action of) cleaning a car or canoe.
See also:
ngisel a kim, expr.meat of clam.
See also:
ngiul a udoud, expr.the taking or obtaining of the money.
See also:
nglam a medal, expr.face stroked (by ghost) (so that ghost can be seen).
See also:
nglikel a Toki, expr.Toki's way of dancing.
See also:
nglosech er a bedebadel, expr.subdivisions of melai nglosech.
See also:
nglosech er a chelid, expr.section of thatching at center of rood.
See also:
nglosech er a olikchelid, expr.subdivisions of melai nglosech.
See also:
nglosech er a umad, expr.section of thatching at both ends of roof.
See also:
ngmasech a rengul, expr.get angry.
See also:
ngmetelel a chull, expr.rainwater which needs to be bailed out.
See also:
ngoaol a rengul, expr.confronted with and perplexed by large task or responsibility.
See also:
ngodech er a rengul, expr.find something strange, different or suspicious.
See also:
nguibes a rengul, expr.desirous of; lusting after.
See also:
nguim a cheklul, expr.swallow a lump in one's throat due to nervousness or anticipation.
See also:
ngurd er a beluu, expr.ridge of land.
See also:
oba a klalo, expr.have big genitals; have an attractive body.
See also:
oba a kuteling, expr.pole boat at bow.
See also:
oba a medal a omerael, expr.take lead or be at the head of the group.
See also:
oba a ngasechereng , expr.have or hold anger.
See also:
oba a rengul, expr.independent; self-willed.
See also:
oba a sumes, expr.lead band, music or singing.
See also:
oba a uriul, expr.pole boat at stern.
See also:
oba a uriul , expr.pole boat at stern.
See also:
obais a rengul, expr.get fed up with; become unable to cope with.
See also:
obdingel a ngerel, expr.strict, harsh or threatening talk; hard-hitting words.
See also:
obekul a demal, expr.paternal uncle (older than father).
See also:
obengkel a omerael, expr.be up-to-date or in step with the times.
See also:
obereod a klengit, expr.mortal sin.
See also:
oberreburs er a iidek, expr.spotted all over with dirt.
See also:
oboket a daob, expr.time after mengeai when tides begin to vary.
See also:
obult a chural, expr.change one's mind.
See also:
obuu a osul a iis, expr.get nosebleed.
See also:
ochedal a demal, expr.aunt (=father's sister).
See also:
ochellel a demal, expr.paternal uncle (younger than father).
See also:
ochemchuml a rengul, expr.seething inside with anger or hate.
See also:
ochil a mlai, expr.wheel.
See also:
ochil a osongd, expr.teeth of comb.
See also:
ocholo er a ngikel, expr.fish scaler.
See also:
odibsebsii a chur, expr.burst out laughing; laugh convulsively.
See also:
oililaol er a buil, expr.place for recreation at night.
See also:
oimimii a chull, expr.rain pour down.
See also:
oked er a ngloik , expr.dance leader; dance caller; the person who leads the chant or song accompanying a dance.
See also:
okelel a ngalek, expr.feeding of a child.
See also:
okesiul a tekoi, expr.meaning of something.
See also:
okul a chebechiil, expr.marriage ceremony; exchange of food and money at time of marriage.
See also:
okul a deleuill, expr.ceremony or giving of money to solidify relationship.
See also:
okul a kedam, expr.pull or guide string for kite.
See also:
okul a klauchad, expr.bond between relatives; ceremony to solidify friendship.
See also:
okul a klausechelel, expr.bond of friendship.
See also:
okul a klok, expr.watch band.
See also:
okul a malk, expr.Palauan money: type of kldait.
See also:
olab a klisiich, expr.have or hold power or authority.
See also:
olabek er a bobai, expr.papaya scraper.
See also:
olai er a kuk, expr.nail-clipper
See also:
olamk er a babii, expr.instrument (knife, etc.) for scraping bristles of pig.
See also:
olaod er a mekebud, expr.spear for catching sardines.
See also:
olbengel a belatong, expr.dish-rag.
See also:
oldak a rengrir, expr.solidify relationship.
See also:
oldirekerek er a mudech, expr.vomit heavily.
See also:
oldirekerek er a ngor, expr.talk or laugh too loud.
See also:
oldirekorek er a mudech, expr.vomit heavily.
See also:
oldoseb er a telil, expr.come up for air; replenish one's breath.
See also:
oldubech er a tekingel, expr.insist on; force (words)
See also:
oldubech er a uldasu, expr.insist on; force (opinion).
See also:
oleached er a chull, expr.rush to do something before it begins to rain.
See also:
oleached er a dolech, expr.beat the low tide; reach one's destination just before low tide.
See also:
oleached er a sils, expr.beat the heat; do something while sun is still out.
See also:
oleached er a taem, expr.beat deadline.
See also:
oleau a nguches, expr.get up bright and early; get up early and go to work.
See also:
oleau a nguches, expr.get up bright and early; get up early and go to work.
See also:
oleau a tekoi, expr.interrupt and take over conversation.
See also:
olebsel a ureor, expr.beer, liquor, etc., to drink while working.
See also:
olechau a ding, expr.get or demand attention.
See also:
olechau a mad, expr.attract attention.
See also:
olechellel a bedul, expr.top of head (above forehead); soft spot on baby's head.
See also:
olecholech er a deel, expr.saw for metal; hacksaw.
See also:
olecholech er a kerrekar, expr.saw for wood.
See also:
olecholt a kotel, expr.prove one's lineage.
See also:
olecholt er a rael, expr.show (someone) the (right) way; advise; direct.
See also:
oleiit er a llach, expr.break or disobey law.
See also:
oleiit er a sils , expr.wait for sun to pass overhead; wait for hottest time of day to be over.
See also:
olekolel a buil, expr.ring/halo around moon.
See also:
olenganged a medal, expr.half-close one's eyes as when ready to doze off.
See also:
olengasech er a melech, expr.ceremony after bai is finished to get rid of melech and free bai of evil spirits.
See also:
olengasech er a rengul, expr.make or get (someone) angry.
See also:
olengchelel a chutem, expr.boundary or land marker.
See also:
olengchelel a eolt, expr.weather-vane; sign of the weather.
See also:
olengesengasech a engedel a medal, expr.raise the eyebrows (usually, to show agreement).
See also:
olengoech a bedengel, expr.(person) faint, feeling weak, feeling drained.
See also:
olichel a sechou, expr.type of clam.
See also:
oliich er a lius, expr.instrument for removing coconut meat for copra.
See also:
olik er a idabeluochel, expr.legendary bat that killed many people.
See also:
oliul a kerasus, expr.plant in nettle family.
See also:
oliul a ngirt, expr.handkerchief, tissue, etc., for blowing nose in.
See also:
ollaol er a ngikel, expr.metal rack for roasting fish on.
See also:
ollaol er a rechad, expr.place for cremating the dead.
See also:
ollik a dolech, expr.tide is at (normal) high point.
See also:
olsarech er a rengul, expr.hold in or control emotions, anger etc.
See also:
olsechelel a oles , expr.(safe) place for keeping knifes.
See also:
olseked er a rengul, expr.stick to something (without giving up); be firm.
See also:
olsengel a ngikel, expr.small sharp fin near tail of certain fish.
See also:
olsiich a tekoi (el ousbech er a), expr.swear (on).
See also:
olsiich er a rengul, expr.take pleasure in someone else's pain, difficulties, problems, etc.
See also:
oltak er a rengul, expr.deceive oneself about being someone's sweetheart.
See also:
oltamet er a rengul, expr.pull at someone's heartstrings; mean a lot to someone.
See also:
oltaut er a telbilel, expr.keep one's promise.
See also:
oltechel a mlai, expr.cloth for cleaning.
See also:
oltechel a nagas, expr.scrubbing cleanser (for sink).
See also:
oltechel a oeacher, expr.shoe brush.
See also:
oltechel a olekang, expr.steel wool/scrubbing pad for pot.
See also:
oltechel a uingel, expr.toothpaste.
See also:
oltel a tekoi, expr.answer.
See also:
oltengel a chelid, expr.call or summon a god.
See also:
oltengel a chull, expr.make rain.
See also:
oltengel a daob, expr.push (person) around; bully.
See also:
oltirakl er a llach, expr.follow, obey or uphold law.
See also:
oltobed a cheral , expr.take out money for pay for (something).
See also:
oltobed a delbengel, expr.scare (someone) out of his wits.
See also:
oltobed a tekoi, expr.give an order; give word (to do something).
See also:
oltour a chetechat, expr.get wounded (esp., when meddling in fight, dispute, etc.).
See also:
olturk a rengul, expr.satiate; make someone give up (from fatigue); get one's fill of; insult continuously or mercilessly; let someone really have it.
See also:
olul er a ngikel, expr.metal rack for roasting fish on.
See also:
olungd er a such, expr.instrument for cutting pandanus leaves into strips for weaving.
See also:
omached a ongraol, expr.prepare ONGRAOL for serving.
See also:
omades er a uldars, expr.set out food in ceremonial arrangement.
See also:
omak a chelbechielir, expr.betroth them
See also:
omak er a rengul, expr.(person) takes the edge off (his/her) hunger.
See also:
omal er a rengul, expr.astonish; amaze; impress; cause admiration.
See also:
omaol a tekoi , expr.invite or be cause for criticism.
See also:
omaol er a resechal, expr.invite or attract men's attention.
See also:
omat a irimd, expr.collect sea cucumber.
See also:
omat er a btil, expr.sit down.
See also:
omatek er a rengul , expr.restrain ones desire to do something; keep ones desire(s) to oneself.
See also:
omchoel er a baeb, expr.joint of pipe.
See also:
omdebades a tekoi, expr.weigh one's words carefully.
See also:
omdodaob a beluu, expr.village embroiled in arguments or confusion.
See also:
omech a beluu, expr.connect two areas (with bridge; etc.).
See also:
omech er a klengerenger, expr.take the edge of one's hunger.
See also:
omech er a rengul, expr.take the edge of one's hunger.
See also:
omedeklel a daob, expr.the rising and falling of the waves
See also:
omeka a klebesei, expr.growing fast day by day.
See also:
omekall a chat el bilas, expr.steamship/boat that gives off smoke.
See also:
omekeriik er a chei, expr.
See also:
omekeriik er a dolech, expr.
See also:
omekoad a tekoi, expr.bribe to silence; stop someone from talking about a particular topic; do things to the letter.
See also:
omekoad er a rrom, expr.get (someone) drunk.
See also:
omekodil a debusech, expr.
See also:
omekord er a bdelul, expr.style one's hair; make one's hair look nice.
See also:
omekord er a medal, expr.present a flirtatious, affected expression.
See also:
omeksebek er a rengul, expr.worry (deliberately).
See also:
omekungil er a eanged, expr.wait for the rain to stop.
See also:
omeltkel a reng, expr.consideration for others.
See also:
omenged er a ulul , expr.put one's chest against (wall, door, etc.).
See also:
omerellel a diablong, expr.work of the devil.
See also:
omerrous er a obildeb, expr.have wet dream.
See also:
omerteret a rengul, expr.fed up or exasperated with.
See also:
omerusel a kall, expr.distribution of food.
See also:
omilel a bedul, expr.skull.
See also:
omilt a mla me e mong, expr.repeat or rehash past matters.
See also:
omings a bdelul , expr.have a light but continuous headache.
See also:
omlibl a dach, expr.give someone enema.
See also:
omlibl a mudech, expr.make someone vomit.
See also:
omlotk a oeang, expr.pass over person in line to be chief (esp., when many persons in same family are seeking power).
See also:
omodk a oeang, expr.a cluster of coconuts sealed in a protective sheath which eventually splits open when the coconuts are ready to bloom.
See also:
omok a medal, expr.introduce (someone) to sex.
See also:
omor er a medal , expr.put one's face to surface of water, ground, etc.
See also:
omor er a ulul, expr.(baby) crawl or creep on ground, etc.; lie face down.
See also:
omor er a ulul , expr.(baby) crawl or creep on ground, etc; lie face down.
See also:
omotech er a ulul, expr.make content; satisfy; appease.
See also:
omsa a llechul a rengul, expr.teach (someone) a lesson.
See also:
omsoechel er a buuch, expr.joint of betel nut branch (breaks off easily).
See also:
omtechei a rengul, expr.get back at; do to someone as he does to you.
See also:
omtechel a saul, expr.repay a favor; replace (something borrowed or damaged).
See also:
omtok er a ngesachel, expr.try something which is too difficult; bite off more than one can chew.
See also:
omuked a medal, expr.eyes feel obstructed (from sticky secretion due to infection, etc.).
See also:
omulk a ulkel, expr.having a curved/arched back.
See also:
omult er a rengul, expr.convince; persuade.
See also:
omuu a lius , expr.split coconut down the middle.
See also:
omuu er a cheril , expr.burst out laughing.
See also:
omuu er a dil , expr.perform buldil ceremony.
See also:
omuu er a ngerel, expr.shoot of one's mouth; speak irresponsibly.
See also:
ongeald er a kohi, expr.coffee pot.
See also:
ongeatel er a mesil, expr.spool for sewing machine.
See also:
ongengel a mlai, expr.steering wheel of car.
See also:
ongeremetellel a ngor, expr.toothbrush; toothpaste.
See also:
ongeremetellel a tut, expr.brush for cleaning baby-bottle.
See also:
ongesbel a beras , expr.rice scoop or spoon.
See also:
ongeteruich me a ongeru el buil, expr.December.
See also:
ongeteruich me a ta el buil, expr.November.
See also:
ongetul a rekas, expr.coconut husks burned for purpose of smoking out mosquitoes.
See also:
ongollel a babii, expr.pigs' trough.
See also:
ongor er a Marialas, expr.pineapple (from Marianas).
See also:
ongreos a krasia, expr.sanctifying grace.
See also:
ongumel a odoim, expr.leaves with which to wrap meat or fish.
See also:
orakiruu a medal, expr.have big; round eyes.
See also:
ordomel er a beluu, expr.
orengesel a ngikel, expr.surface area of fish about gill.
See also:
oriik er a iikr, expr.rake.
See also:
oriik er a ochertoll, expr.broom for the toilet.
See also:
oriik er a ulaol, expr.broom for the floor.
See also:
oringet er a chemachel, expr.tool/pliers for crushing betel nut.
See also:
orkedellel a uingel, expr.braces on teeth.
See also:
ormechel a chutem, expr.
See also:
orrechorech a rengul, expr.extremely angry; wild with anger.
See also:
orreked er a rengul, expr.restrain or control (oneself) (esp., from showing anger).
See also:
orsuel a oach, expr.water for rinsing feet.
See also:
orsul a ngikel, expr.spiny protusion from head or tail of fish.
See also:
osbadel a sils, expr.approach noon.
See also:
osebek er a beluu, expr.
See also:
osechel a kleu, expr.coconut juice when coconut is kleu.
See also:
osechel a lius, expr.coconut juice.
See also:
osechel a mengur, expr.coconut juice when coconut is mengur.
See also:
osechel a ngebekebokel, expr.coconut juice when coconut is ngebekebokel.
See also:
osechel a tut, expr.milk from breast.
See also:
osengdel a beluu, expr.brave men of village.
See also:
osiu a uingel, expr.clench teeth.
See also:
osongd er a kud, expr.comb for removing lice.
See also:
osuched a rechui, expr.Aramina tree.
See also:
osul a tekoi, expr.heart of the matter; bitter truth.
See also:
osuld er a belatong, expr.dish cloth.
See also:
osurel a sualo, expr.string, etc. for tying basket.
See also:
otechakl el mo er a Toki, expr.accusation directed at Toki.
See also:
otecheklel a tekoi, expr.implication of one's words.
See also:
otechel a Droteo, expr.Droteo's throws or pitches (of ball).
See also:
otechel a miich, expr.pounding of nuts of tropical almond.
See also:
otutel a biskang, expr.aiming of spear.
See also:
otutel a llach, expr.enforcement of the law.
See also:
otutel a ngau, expr.lighting of the fire.
See also:
otutel a oach, expr.hooking or laying the anchor.
See also:
otutel a ureor, expr.starting of the job.
See also:
oubuch a rengul, expr.treat person as if he or she were one's spouse.
See also:
ouchad er a Merikel, expr.act like an American.
See also:
ouchad er a ngebard, expr.act like a Westerner; exhibit Western mannerisms.
See also:
ouchaet a chiklel, expr.feel crowded in or confined by or fed up with.
oudeluus a tekoi, expr.use language to protect oneself; make excuses.
See also:
ouedikel a rengul, expr.nervous; worried.
See also:
ouklalo a tekoi, expr.(woman) talk or gossip endlessly.
See also:
oumengai a tekingel, expr.(someone's words or talk) redundant or irrelevant.
See also:
ourakt er a keald, expr.overreact to a slight illness; be a hypochondriac.
See also:
ourakt er a ngul, expr.suffer from asthma.
See also:
ouralmesils a rengul, expr.weak-willed.
See also:
oureng a saul, expr.thank someone for his trouble.
See also:
outekangel er a rengul, expr.persevere; force (oneself) to do something.
See also:
outet a tekoi, expr.(man) spend more time talking about things than taking action or talk endlessly or act like a windbag.
See also:
ouuchel er a rengul, expr.regret.
See also:
rakket er a tenis, expr.tennis racquet.
See also:
ralmetaoch a rengul, expr.insensitive; not easily affected; easygoing; casual; prone to avoiding responsibility.
See also:
rasm er a chim, expr.needle for hand-sewing.
See also:
rasm er a mesil, expr.needle for machine-sewing.
See also:
raud a rengul, expr.variable; indecisive.
See also:
rebai er a blik, expr.in back of my house.
See also:
reborb a daob, expr.tide stands still.
See also:
reborb a dolech, expr.tide stands still.
See also:
rechedad er a irechar, expr.our ancestors.
See also:
redechel a char, expr.very small sea cucumber.
See also:
rekdel a buld, expr.infection, or other sickness or irregularity, of the skin.
See also:
rektel a bilis, expr.rabies.
See also:
rektel a chesebreng, expr.broken-heartedness.
See also:
rektel a redil, expr.menstruation.
See also:
rektir a rechad er a Dois, expr.German measles.
See also:
rektir a rechad er a Doisu, expr.German measles.
See also:
remiid a bdelul, expr.lose one's mind.
See also:
rengul a cheluch , expr.dregs of coconut oil.
See also:
rengul a diokang, expr.starch.
See also:
rengul a kerrekar, expr.center/core of tree.
See also:
rengul a ngais, expr.yolk of egg.
See also:
rerengel a buil, expr.moonbeam.
See also:
rerengel a ngau, expr.glow of fire.
See also:
rerengel a sils, expr.ray of sun.
See also:
roachel a chimal, expr.(child) prone to grabbing at things.
See also:
rois a ngerel, expr.veracious; confident of what one is saying.
See also:
rolel a ralm, expr.ditch.
See also:
rongel a buil, expr.reflected light of moon (e.g., when moon is behind trees, mountain, etc.).
See also:
rongel a sils, expr.reflected light of sun at dawn or sunset.
See also:
rsel a cheldecheduch, expr.end of the meeting.
See also:
rsel a chim, expr.end of the arm; hand.
See also:
rsel a chui, expr.end of a hair.
See also:
rsel a kerreel, expr.(other) end of the string.
See also:
rsel a kerrekar, expr.top of the tree.
See also:
rsel a oach, expr.end of the foot.
See also:
rsel a orengodel, expr.corner of house diagonally opposite from uchul a orengodel where cooking is done.
See also:
rsel a ureor, expr.end of work.
See also:
rubak er a eanged, expr.god.
See also:
rubekul a Belau, expr.elders of Palau.
See also:
rubekul a ordomel, expr.
rubekul a renged, expr.
See also:
se el lobutek a medak, expr.when I pass away.
See also:
se er a, expr.conj. when (in the past).
See also:
secherel a buil, expr.menstruation.
See also:
secherel a cheliuaiu, expr.weakness or lassitude resulting from too much sleep.
See also:
secherel a diil , expr.stomach or abdominal cancer.
See also:
secherel a omenga el kiande, expr.stomach ache from eating too much candy; cavity.
See also:
sechesel a baiong, expr.ribs of umbrella.
See also:
seitak a rengul, expr.(person is) very choosy; picky.
See also:
sese er a kall, expr. some of the food.
See also:
sese er a udoud, expr.some of the money.
See also:
sikel a reng, expr.laziness.
See also:
sisiokel a rengul, expr.fastidious; particular.
See also:
skel a Droteo, expr.the search for Droteo.
See also:
smechel a tekoi, expr.sending of a message; proper way of doing something.
See also:
smecher a rengul, expr.homesick.
See also:
smecher er a buil, expr.(woman) menstruate or have her period.
See also:
smecher er a chesebreng, expr.brokenhearted.
See also:
smecher er a tereter, expr.sick with a cold.
See also:
smiich a rengul, expr.feel proud about (someone).
See also:
smuuch a rengul, expr.(person) calm/placid.
See also:
soal a mondai, expr.prone to complaining.
See also:
soal a sang, expr.(person) curious; nosey.
See also:
sochera er a omelim el rrom, expr.becoming an alcoholic.
See also:
songerenger a rengul, expr.have a strong desire for; lust after.
See also:
songngai er a mekemad, expr.war damages.
See also:
suebek a rengul, expr.worried; anxious.
See also:
surel a oeacher, expr.shoelace.
See also:
sus er a sueleb, expr.midday greeting.
See also:
sus er a tutau, expr.morning greeting.
See also:
ta el oach me a tedbard, expr.one foot length plus the width of the other foot.
See also:
ta er a edeitiud, expr.one third.
See also:
ta er a euaitiud, expr.one fourth.
See also:
tab er a Ngesang, expr.name of cape in Ngerngesang.
See also:
tacher me a chimong, expr.eleven (animals, things).
See also:
tacher me a teblong, expr.twelve (animals, things).
See also:
tama er a boes, expr.bullet.
See also:
tama er a chetakl, expr.round piece of bait in shape of fish used when trolling.
See also:
tama er a dengki, expr., [From Japanese] light bulb (sometimes shortened to just tama).
See also:
tama er a otoel, expr.flashlight bulb.
See also:
tangk er a cheluch, expr.oil tank.
See also:
taod er a kud, expr.fine comb for removing lice.
See also:
tebdel a besebes , expr.removing bark from tree to make cord.
See also:
tebdel a kerrekar , expr.removing bark from tree.
See also:
tebedel a mekemad, expr.outbreak of war.
See also:
tebekel a bail, expr.patch in clothing.
See also:
tebekel a blais, expr.payment of fine.
See also:
tebel er a blengur, expr.dining table.
See also:
tebel er a omerasm, expr.sewing table.
See also:
tebel er a omesuub, expr.study desk.
See also:
tebengel a buil, expr.first appearance of moon.
See also:
techall er a ureor, expr.opportunity for work.
See also:
techedel a biskang, expr.barbs at back of spearhead.
See also:
techedel a meradel, expr.thorn of orange tree.
See also:
techel a bilis,
, expr.
See also:
techel a cheldecheduch, expr.highlight or most important part of the story.
See also:
techel a miich, expr.meat of tropical almond; original inhabitants of village.
See also:
techel a tekoi, expr.essence or substance of the matter.
See also:
techel a uingel, expr.gums (in mouth).
See also:
techellel a Droteo el mo er a Merikel, expr.Droteo's opportunity to go to America.
See also:
techellel a chull, expr.grass in Laurel family.
See also:
techerakl er a uel, expr.hook for catching turtles.
See also:
techereklel a bail, expr.clotheshanger or clotheshook; pole for hanging clothes.
See also:
techereklel a olbidel, expr.hook for hanging lamp.
See also:
techetech a rengul, expr.stubborn; obsessed; determined.
See also:
techetel a klok, expr.hands of clock or watch.
See also:
tedobech a bdelul , expr.crazy.
See also:
tekerengel er a chull, expr.protective shield against rain.
See also:
tekerengel er a kleald, expr.protective shield against heat.
See also:
tekerengel er a mekemad, expr.(war) shield.
See also:
tekoi er a Belau, expr.Palauan language.
See also:
tekoi er a Merikel, expr.English (language).
See also:
tekoi er a Siabal, expr.Japanese (language).
See also:
tekoi er a Sina, expr.Chinese language.
See also:
tekoi er a bekall, expr.special words spoken to ensure succes in sailing.
See also:
tekoi er a beluu, expr.matters of community interest.
See also:
tekoi er a blai, expr.private matters.
See also:
tekoi er a buai, expr.matters of (general) community interest.
See also:
tekoi er a chei, expr.words of criticism for poor fishing ability.
See also:
tekoi er a chelid, expr.religious or spiritual matters.
See also:
tekoi er a chereomel, expr.special words spoken to ensure succesful passage through forest; vulgar words.
See also:
tekoi er a cheroll, expr.ancient chant sung to facilitate delivery of a baby.
See also:
tekoi er a daob, expr.special words spoken to calm the sea.
See also:
tekoi er a desachel, expr.special words spoken to insure success in building a canoe.
See also:
tekoi er a kelulau, expr.secret language used for discussing confidential matters.
See also:
tekoi er a kereel, expr.special words spoken to ensure succes in line fishing.
See also:
tekoi er a klechad, expr.earthly or material things.
See also:
tekoi er a ngor, expr.fib; spoken language.
See also:
tekoi er a rael, expr.non-private matters; public knowledge.
See also:
tekoi er a renguk, expr.what I believe or think to be true.
See also:
tekoi er a resechal, expr.(typical) men's behavior.
See also:
tekoi er a sechal, expr.male behavior/characteristics.
See also:
tekoi er a skuul, expr.school or academic matters.
See also:
tekoi er a uldesuek, expr.what I believe or think to be true.
See also:
telecherakl a rengul, expr.stubborn; obsessed; determined.
See also:
telemall a ulaol, expr.relationship between two families or clans strained or broken.
See also:
telematel a rengul, expr.pleased; happy.
See also:
teletelel a eanged, expr.weather conditions; climate.
See also:
teleuidel a chural, expr.have a forked tongue; say one thing on one occasion and something else the next.
See also:
telil a beluu, expr.village leaders.
See also:
telil a chim, expr.pulse.
See also:
telirem a rengul, expr.feelings hurt.
See also:
telkib a bebetok , expr.a shade too much.
See also:
telkib er a Ngiual , expr.part of the village of Ngiual.
See also:
telkib er a kall , expr.part of the food.
See also:
telkib er a lius , expr.small piece of coconut.
See also:
teloadel a rengul, expr.indecisive.
See also:
teluidel a chural, expr.have a forked tongue; say one thing on one occasion and something else the next.
teluo a chural, expr.stick to what one has said; remain fixed in one's opinion; stubborn.
See also:
temetel a rengul, expr.pleasing of one's heart.
See also:
tengdel a meradel, expr.thorn of orange tree.
See also:
tengelel a ieleb, expr.coming of flood.
See also:
tengetengel a chull, expr.board, etc. to protect against the rain.
See also:
tengetengel a daob, expr.dike.
See also:
tengkel a mlai, expr.gas tank of car.
See also:
terdel a Toki er a bechil, expr.Toki's disappointment because of her husband.
See also:
terkel a mlai, expr.
teruich me a tang, expr.eleven (units of time).
See also:
teruich me a terung, expr.twelve (people).
See also:
tet er a skuul, expr.school or book bag.
See also:
tiel a uek, expr.swamp fern.
See also:
titmekl a rengul, expr.timid; scared.
See also:
tkul a blai, expr.corner of the house.
See also:
tkul a cheldukl, expr.edge of the dock.
See also:
tkul a daob, expr.edge of the ocean.
See also:
tkul a mekesokes, expr.edge of the yard.
See also:
tkul a rael, expr.edge or side of the road.
See also:
tkul a tebel, expr.edge of the table.
See also:
tmoech er a beluu, expr.come out from (forest, field, etc.) into village.
See also:
tmurk a rengul, expr.satiated; fed up with.
See also:
tmut er a bechos, expr.suck on one's thumb.
See also:
tmuu er a rengul, expr.(something) occurs to (person)/enters (person's) mind.
See also:
tngeklel a rengul, expr.peace offering for someone.
See also:
tokedengarech a btil, expr.(woman) having well-positioned vagina.
See also:
torech er a redil, expr.
tsios er a mlai, expr.condition of car's engine.
See also:
tuab a osengel, expr.notice; catch view or sight of; have one's attention attracted to.
See also:
tuchelbakl el mo er a eou, expr.dive down (into the water).
See also:
tulechoid a chimal, expr.prone to messing things up; sloppy; being overly grabby.
See also:
tulechoid a ngerel, expr.prone to gossiping; prone to being overly talkative.
See also:
tumetum a ngerel, expr.talk too much.
See also:
tuobed a delbengel, expr.scared stiff; scared out of one's wits.
See also:
tuobed a rengul, expr.one's real feelings come out.
See also:
tuobed er a rebai, expr.
See also:
uai a decham , expr.as good as you.
See also:
uche er a bilas, expr.bow of boat.
See also:
uche er a omoachel, expr.upstream.
See also:
uchei er a omoachel, expr.upstream.
See also:
uchelel a cheldecheduch, expr.beginning of the meeting.
See also:
uchelir a rechad er a Belau, expr.origin/ancestors of the Palauan people.
uchelir er a rechad er a Belau, expr.origin or the ancestors of the Palauan people.
See also:
uchul a chang, expr.foot of jetty.
See also:
uchul a cheldecheduch, expr.reason for the meeting.
See also:
uchul a chim, expr.shoulder; upper arm.
See also:
uchul a chui, expr.root of hair.
See also:
uchul a chur, expr.back or root of tongue.
See also:
uchul a diil , expr.lower abdomen; gut; intestines.
See also:
uchul a eanged, expr.horizon.
See also:
uchul a kerrekar, expr.base of tree; butt end of log.
See also:
uchul a klengit, expr.cause of bad behavior; original sin.
See also:
uchul a klungiaol, expr.(future) benefit or happiness.
See also:
uchul a oach, expr.upper thigh.
See also:
uchul a orengodel, expr.part of house where orengodel beam is first laid. forbidden side of house where people should not walk uninvited and should be quiet when they do go there.
See also:
uchul a rois, expr.base or foot of mountain.
See also:
uchul a tut, expr.lower chest.
See also:
udel a meduu, expr.resin of breadfruit.
See also:
udel a tuu, expr.resin of banan tree.
See also:
ududel a besos, expr.money paid to victors in war.
See also:
ududir a rengalek, expr.Palauan money given to children by father's family when either parents died.
See also:
uduid a rebekai, expr.plant in Four O'clock family.
See also:
ukab er a rengul, expr.(something sentimental) arouses one's emotions (touch someone's figurative heart).
ukall a ruchel, expr.small tree whose leaves are used as anti-diarrhea medicine.
See also:
ukellel a chedib, expr.small tree similar to ukall a ruchel.
See also:
uldalem a rengul, expr.responsible; purposeful.
See also:
ulechel a kim, expr.muscle of clam.
See also:
ulechel a ongor, expr.core of pineapple.
See also:
ulechel a tekoi, expr.heart of the matter.
See also:
ulecherangel er a rechad, expr.census.
See also:
ulekngellel a kim, expr.empty clam shell.
See also:
ulsarech a rengul, expr.(emotions etc.) held in.
See also:
ulserechakl a rengul, expr.calm; unexcitable.
See also:
ultebechel a blekerdelel, expr.honest; mature and responsible.
See also:
ultebechel a rengul, expr.honest; mature and responsible.
See also:
ultil a oach, expr.footprint.
See also:
ungelel a bduu, expr.core of a boil.
See also:
ungelel a chelechol, expr.point where beach ends and ocean floor begins.
See also:
ungelel a cheremrum, expr.hard membrane inside one end of sea cucumber.
See also:
ungelel a cheremrum , expr.hard membrane inside one end of cheremrum.
See also:
ungelel a chutem, expr.stone.
See also:
ungelel a daob, expr.jelly fish.
See also:
ungelel a ibuchel, expr.hard membrane inside sea urchin.
See also:
ungelel a kia, expr.teeth of gear or cog.
See also:
ungelel a molech, expr.hard membrane inside one end of sea cucumber.
See also:
ungelel a olecholech, expr.teeth of saw.
See also:
ungial a rengul, expr.happiness; joy.
See also:
ungil a bdelul, expr.smart.
See also:
ungil a chelechedal, expr.have a good figure.
See also:
ungil a eanged, expr.weather is good.
See also:
ungil a rengul, expr.happy; glad; kind.
See also:
ungil el iit a sils, expr.good (early) afternoon.
See also:
ungil er a rengul, expr.fine or all right with.
See also:
urerir a redil, expr.work meant for women.
See also:
urerir a resechal, expr.work meant for men.
See also:
uriul er a omoachel, expr.downstream.
See also:
urrechomel a rengul, expr.indecisive.
See also:
usaker er a techelbakl, expr.loincloth for diving.
See also:
usekerel a iechadedaob, expr.long, transparent sea snake.
See also:
a kmu, conj.if.
> If I had money, (then) I'd buy a new car.
a ldu, conj.because.
> Why are you just sitting here? - Because they don't want me to go over there.
a lechul me, conj.if (only).
a leko, conj.intended to; apparently.
a lsekum
, mod.if [with neutral implications].
babii er a daob,
, n.
fish in Ngeaur.
See also:
bangderang er a Belau,
, n.
the national flag of Palau.
bangderang er a Beliliou,
, n.
the state flag of Peleliu.
bangderang er a Imeliik,
, n.
the state flag of Aimeliik.
bangderang er a Irrai,
, n.
the state flag of Airai.
bangderang er a Melekeok,
, n.
the state flag of Melekeok.
bangderang er a Ngaraard,
, n.
the state flag of Ngaraard.
bangderang er a Ngardmau,
, n.
the state flag of Ngardmau.
bangderang er a Ngatbang,
, n.
the state flag of Ngatpang.
bangderang er a Ngcheangel,
, n.
the state flag of Kayangel.
bangderang er a Ngchesar,
, n.
the state flag of Ngchesar.
bangderang er a Ngeaur,
, n.
the state flag of Angaur.
bangderang er a Ngerechelong,
, n.
the state flag of Ngarchelong.
bangderang er a Ngeremlengui,
, n.
the state flag of Ngeremlengui.
bangderang er a Ngiual,
, n.
the state flag of Ngiwal.
bangderang er a Oreor,
, n.
the state flag of Koror.
bangderang er a Sungesol,
, n.
the state flag of Sonsorol.
bangderang er a Techobei,
, n.
the state flag of Hatohobei.
bebil er a taem, var.er a bebil er a taem
See also:
bechelechelingaol a rengul, v.s.selfish; greedy; stingy; self-centered.
See also:
bekellel a chedeng, n.shark's fin.
See also:
bekokuii a rengul, v.s.kind; generous.
See also:
bekongesengasech a rengul, v.s.easily angered; excitable.
See also:
beltik a rengul, var.betik a rengul
See also:
betachel a rengul, v.a.s.is to be pleased/satisfied/appeased; content.
See also:
betik a rengul, v.s.having a deep feeling or affection for; love.
See also:
bisech er a Ruk, n.plant in taro family; yautia.
See also:
biusech a medal, v.s.sharp-sighted; attentive (to someone's needs).
See also:
bkul a kesol , n.grandniece or grandnephew of male.
See also:
bkul a oach, n.knee.
blil a blengur, n.house for eating in; restaurant.
See also:
bltkil a rengul, n.poss.3sone's affection/concern for.
See also:
Buk er a Irong, n.a rock island that separates Ngermid and Ngerkesoaol.
Butek a medam., v.imp.Close your eyes.
See also:
chad er a amt, n.politician.
See also:
chad er a Oles, n.Phillipino.
See also:
chebedel a kesol, n.nephew or niece of male (i.e. children of male's sister).
See also:
checherd a rengul, v.s.redup.impatient; fed up with.
See also:
chelimimii a rengul
/chelimimuul a rengul
, v.s.sullen; obstinate; uncooperative.
chelsul a mad, n.pupil of eye.
chemechemel a olik, n.very light drizzle; very light rain.
See also:
cheremel a mekebud,
, n.
sea gull.
chetellaok a rengul, var.chetellaok
See also:
dechil a ding, n.ear wax.
See also:
dermel a disech, n.genuine coconut milk (obtained when coconut first squeezed).
See also:
deuil a rengul, n.poss.3s.his/her happiness; his/her joy
See also:
diak a kodellel, v.s.eternal; everlasting.
See also:
diak a telemellel, v.s.innocent; not guilty.
See also:
dmolech a chei, n.high tide.
See also:
engedel a medad, n.poss.1pi
See also:
engedel a medak, n.poss.1s
See also:
engedel a medal, n.poss.3s
See also:
engedel a medam, n.poss.2s
See also:
engedel a medemam, n.poss.1pe
See also:
engedel a medemiu, n.poss.2p
See also:
engedel a mederir, n.poss.3p
See also:
eungel a rois, n.foot of the mountain.
See also:
ietel a sils, n.late afternoon.
See also:
kekul a chim, n.fingernail.
See also:
kelel a charm,
, n.
tree in mango family.
kelel a chelid, n.food of the gods.
See also:
kerad a medal, var.kerad
See also:
kerul a besokel, n.medicine for ringworm; candle-bush.
See also:
kerul a sokel, var.kerul a besokel
See also:
kesol er a ngebard , n.ginger.
See also:
kikil a deleb,
, n.
a black slug with no shell.
See also:
ko er a, mod.kind of; like.
See also:
lechul a delobech, n.scar from being cut.
See also:
lilisel a ngais, n.white of egg.
See also:
me a, conj.and.
me a lechub
/a lechub
, conj.or.
mechedeng a rengul, v.erg.get surprised, puzzled or perplexed (by someone's behavior, etc.).
See also:
medakt a deleb, n.type of banana.
medal a chur, n.tongue tip.
See also:
medal a taib, n.ball of (electric) type-writer.
See also:
medau a medal, v.s.(face) having embarrassed expression.
medecherecher a rengul , v.s.stubborn; adamant; not easily swayed.
See also:
meduch a ngerel, n.type of banana found in Ngcheangel.
> A variety of banana.
The people of Kayangel; a banana occurring there.
medul er a sils, v.s.sunburnt.
See also:
mekikiid a rengul, v.s.unsympathetic; uncaring; uninvolved; emotionless.
See also:
mekudem a techerel, v.s.(person who) understands or catches everything.
See also:
melai a klengar, v.t.take someone's life; kill.
See also:
Melechotech a Chau, n.legendary figure who spent most of his time making coconut cord; was said to have had an extremely long penis.
See also:
mengelengalek a rengul, v.s.(person) mean-spirited; unfriendly; unpleasant; nasty; vengeful.
See also:
menguchet a otaor , var.mengol a otaor
See also:
merael a chisel, v.s.well-known; famous; infamous; (person) popular. (news) spreading quickly.
See also:
mesbesubed er a rengul, v.t.redup.prepare someone (psychologically) for something; pave the way for more serious discussion with someone; inform gradually or indirectly.
See also:
metia er a
/mitia er a
, conj.when (as expected or planned).
> When Droteo came (as planned), we were able to leave.
metitngall a rengul, v.s.lonesome; sad (at broken friendship).
See also:
Metuker er a Reang , n.rock island in Ngerkesoaol that is unusual because it is typically covered with fog in the morning.
See also:
ng diak a ngerang, pro.nothing.
See also:
ng diak a tal chad
/ng diak a ta el chad
/ng diak a ta el chad
, pro.nobody.
ngelekel a ulaol, var.ngalekulaol
See also:
ngisel a chesiuch, n.pearl.
See also:
ochil a kesol , n.descendant.
See also:
olai er a chusem , var.olaiechusem
See also:
oldars a keiai, n.child adopted into a family or a clan and acquires high status as a result.
See also:
olechiul a beab, n.club moss.
See also:
olengengoid er a ngerel, var.olengengoid
See also:
olsebek er a rengul, v.t.worry (unintentionally); startle.
See also:
omai er a rengul, v.t.hesitate; be unsure about.
See also:
omechur a teliakl, n.counting of the days after a chief dies before nominations can be made for the next chief.
See also:
omekerrau er a rengul, v.i.confuse; puzzle.
See also:
omesolel a blai, var.omesolel
See also:
omichoech a rengul, v.i.(stomach) grumble, talk or gurgle (especially from hunger); (person) feel excited.
See also:
omud a rengul, v.s.fed up with; exasperated; can't stand.
See also:
ongemengemek a rengul, var.ongemengemek
See also:
oredechel er a merangd, var.oredechel
See also:
orringel er a tekoi, v.i.do (things) more strictly towards.
remorem a ngerel, var.remorem
See also:
rrau a rengul, v.s.confused/puzzled by/about.
See also:
rrou a rengul, v.s.suddenly confused or perplexed.
See also:
selorech a rengul, v.s.condescending.
See also:
sengok a rengul, v.s.curious.
See also:
seselk a rengul, v.s.bored; impatient.
See also:
seselkang a rengul, v.s.inch.becoming bored or impatient.
See also:
sesuul a rengul, v.s.(person) undecided.
tebtebil a kerrekar, n.splinter.
See also:
tebull a medal, v.s.angry-looking.
See also:
tekoi er a Oles, n.Tagalog.
See also:
turk a rengul, var.turk
See also:
ukil a delam, interj.[Interjection of surprise, fright, or disappointment. Can be used in a variety of settings. Typically used by women.]
See also:
uldellomel a rengul, v.r.s.responsible; purposeful; mature.
See also:
ulsemuul a rengul, v.s.(person) humble.
See also:
ungelel a taib, n.ball of (electric) typewriter.
See also:
uosech er a redeleb,
, n.
tree in fig family (without edible fruit).
See also:
uosecheleb er a redeleb, n.tree in the fig family.
uriul er a bilas , n.stern of boat.
See also:

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