, pro.those objects/animals far from speaker and far from listener.
aikelcont.aike el
aike el kaholexpr.those boxes (over there).
> I have assigned as the possession of your tribes the land of the nations that are still left, as well as of all the nations that I have already conquered.
> I am going to eat up that apple and those bananas.
> The woman likes the taste of those guavas.
> Due to the weather conditions and increasing hazardous surf, the National Emergency Office (NEMO) is issuing a Small Craft Warning for the entire Republic of Palau. Water conditions from outside the reef through all exposures are very rough at this time. Travel between Peleliu and Angaur, Kayangel and Ollei and/or outside the reefs are strictly prohibited. Small craft warning flags have been raised and the republic is requested to observe this warning. NEMO will continue to monitor these marine conditions and advise the public accordingly.
> Joseph drove his car to those stores.
More Examples:
> The fish scales are good fertilizer.
> Do you like those or do you like these?
> We can sell the soda cans.
> Burn the heaps of leaves you raked up.
> Go check the rambutan in the rain forest. If there are ripe ones, bring them home but make sure to hide them so people don't bum them off you.

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