, v.s.good in running; fast; prone to going around looking for girls.

See also:
Synonyms: , , , ,
> You are very fast.
> Droteo runs the fastest.
> Like a racing canoe of Ngerchelong, fast by word of mouth.
Apparently refers to a canoe race of the past when a club of Ngerchelong lost after having given verbal display of greatness. Refers to the bluff or braggart (all-mouth, no action).
> He's like a good (lit. fast) top that steadies itself soon after touching the ground.
i.e. he understands or learns quickly. In Palau the top is spun in the air and dropped to the ground where it usually wobbles for a spell before it becomes "planted" or stable. The better the top, the less the wobble. A statement that is right to the point, or a decisive and good decision, is like a good top. The idiom may be applied to a person who is quick to get the point or learn a new skill.
More Examples:
> This woman is loose, she has broken peoples marriage.
> We were walking fine on the road until a really fast car sped by that abruptly forced us into a ditch.

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