Ngcheangel, n.Kayangel Island (north of Babeldaob); village name; the state in which Rdechor is chief.
Cheangeln.Ngcheangel (used in certain fixed expressions).
> Rats can get to Kayangel in bags of food such as rice.
> Rats can get to Kayangel by hiding in construction materials.
> Due to the weather conditions and increasing hazardous surf, the National Emergency Office (NEMO) is issuing a Small Craft Warning for the entire Republic of Palau. Water conditions from outside the reef through all exposures are very rough at this time. Travel between Peleliu and Angaur, Kayangel and Ollei and/or outside the reefs are strictly prohibited. Small craft warning flags have been raised and the republic is requested to observe this warning. NEMO will continue to monitor these marine conditions and advise the public accordingly.
> Like the breadfruit of Kayangel, just one rotten piece will spoil the whole bunch.
One bad person can ruin the reputation of a whole group. It is said of the Chebiei variety of breadfruit found at Kayangel atoll that one rotten one will spoil others packaged with it. Similar to "One bad apple spoiled the bushel."
> Like the man of Kayangel, who procured his gifts from Keso
The saying refers to a man from the atoll of Kayangel, some twenty miles north of the main islands of Palau, who, on his way south to visit friends, stopped at an intermediate reef, Kesol, to fish for a present for his host. Refers to a person who, en route to a visit, tries to borrow a present from another guest; any person who suddenly wants to borrow money.
> You're like the Ngcheangel banana (meduch a ngerel).
You're all talk and no action).

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