chomechii | |
chilmechii | | |
chuamech | |
chilamech | | |
chelamech | v.r.s. | (betel nut) chewed; (tobacco) smoked.
chemachel | v.a.s. | (betel nut) is to be chewed; (tobacco) is to be smoked.
kengamech | v.recip. | (each person) chew his own share of betel nut.
mechamech | v.erg. |
melemelamech /melelemelamech | v.t.redup. | chew (betel nut) or smoke (tobacco) constantly.
nglemachel | v.r.s. | in a state of having chewed betel.
See also:
Examples: |
> He smokes cigarettes constantly. |
> Don't split an unopened betelnut; (instead) chew (one of) the already split betelnuts in the betelnut bag. |
> He just likes to chew (betel nut) and doesn't do any work. |
> Is there anyone among you who smokes cigarettes. |
> That family is well-known to have resources in betel nut. |
More Examples: |
> Lukes was sulking because they chewed all of her betelnut. |
> We should chew homegrown tobacco. |
> Are you going to chew betelnut again? |