dobengii | |
dilebengii | | |
dueb | |
dileb | | |
debongel | v.a.s. | is to be interrupted or killed.
deleb | v.r.s. | interrupted; killed.
delebongel | v.r.s. | interrupted; killed.
medeb | v.erg. |
melebecholloi | v.s. | have a habit of interrupting. |
See also:
Examples: |
> A ghost or evil spirit has slapped him (i.e. he's having an epileptic fit). |
> Satsko fled when she saw the ghost. |
> Let me interrupt you. |
> His life was cut short. |
Proverbs: |
> Slap of the spirit. Good speakers are not too animated, control their emotions and gestures, and do not salivate while talking. Those who do are compared to the epileptic, who has been "slapped by the spirit." |
> Mark of the spirit. A natal, or birth, mark |
More Examples: |
> There is a ghost at the mangrove channel. |