diak, v.s.is/are not; does not exist; non-existent.
diak, n.poss.1s
See also:
diak a ultutelel, expr.useless; meaningless; trivial.
See also:
diak el klalo, expr.useless thing; coward.
See also:
diak lemekimd, expr.go on unceasingly; persist.
See also:
diak lemerech, expr.complicated; immovable.
See also:
diak lemesim a rengul, expr.stick to one's convictions; not change one's mind.
See also:
diak liit, expr.without fail; definitely.
See also:
diak lodengelii a rengul, expr.(person) unaware of his limitations or overestimates his abilities or overextends himself with committments.
See also:
diak lokor , expr.for sure; without a doubt.
See also:
diak lua ildisel a, expr.very many; not like any quantity of something imaginable.
See also:
mo diak lekaubuch, expr.get divorced.
See also:
ng diak a chiollel, expr.impossible; (something that) will never happen.
See also:
ng diak a rolel e, expr.there's no way to/have no way to.
See also:
ng diak a rrengel, expr.unreserved; uninhibited; direct; not afraid to speak one's mind.
See also:
diak a kodellel, v.s.eternal; everlasting.
See also:
diak a telemellel, v.s.innocent; not guilty.
See also:
ng diak a ngerang, pro.nothing.
See also:
ng diak a tal chad
/ng diak a ta el chad
/ng diak a ta el chad
, pro.nobody.

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