e ng di, mod.but.
engdicont.e ng di
> I was thinking or expecting that Toki would come to class, but she didn't come.
> The teacher reads, or the child reads the first paragraph again on his own.
> That's why the wind always gets strong.
> But those who have faith in that one will never be disappointed.
> I came to your house, but you were out.
> Be strong, shallows are close
Crossing the lagoon, a canoe is poled in shallow water, paddled in deep. The phrase refers to canoeists tiring after a long paddle over deep water. Applied when someone is about to give up, though better times are ahead.
More Examples:
> He dances well but lacks charisma.
> I'm so sleepy but im so adamant.
> I had a pet dog but he died.
> Crookedness will not bear straight, it will always be crooked.
> I want to go (with you) but my legs are too painful.

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