koliang | v.pf.inch. | beginning to eat up. |
kolii | v.pf.3s |
killii | v.pf.3s.past | |
kmang | v.pf.3p.inan. |
kilang | v.pf.3p.inan.past | |
kekang | v.recip. | eat (each other's food); eat (food) together.
klang | v.r.s. | eaten.
mekang | v.erg. | get eaten.
mekelang | v.erg.inch. | beginning to get eaten. |
mengelkang | v.t.redup. | keep eating.
menga a kesuk | expr. | young; inexperienced (i.e.; eat inedible leaves as children do). |
menga a llel a kesuk | expr. | young; unexperienced. |
menga a ulkel | expr. | eat a lot without showing an expanded belly. |
See also:
Examples: |
> She ate her words (i.e., she went ahead and did something she said she would never do). |
> The children ate all the apples yesterday. |
> He is going to eat up some/the papayas. |
> In the past 6 months have rats eaten your plants? |
> He eats continually. |
Proverbs: |
> Like a ray-fish, eating while walking. The ray-fish does not stop swimming while chewing food it has gathered while weaving along the ocean floor. The saying may be applied to any rude behavior or particularly to the act of walking and eating, which is considered impolite. It can also be applied to a person who is trying to hurry through a job without giving it careful attention. |
> Eating like laib-while eating, burying. The laib, a bird with a long, white tail, according to lore eats ripe fruit in season, as other birds do, but also gathers scraps dropped by other birds and buries them. When other birds are hungry, the laib will dig up the scraps and eat them. Hence, one should plan ahead for lean times. |
> Like eating a forked taro corm. Taro (Colocasia esculenta) generally grows like a single fat carrot. Some corms, however, develop one or more points or forks. The image conveyed by this idiom is that of a man beset by many tasks, trying to decide among them. |
> Like one who has eaten the thorny puffer fish, full of many things. The thorny puffer fish is sometimes gulped by the wide-mouthed grouper fish. The puffer, expanding and extending its thorns in the grouper's mouth, renders the latter rather "full of things" and completely helpless. Groupers in this predicament are occasionally caught by fishermen. The idiom is applied to anyone who faces more problems, more work, or more sweethearts than he can cope with. |