choiteklii | |
chilteklii | | |
choitakl | |
chilitakl | | |
chachitakl | v.recip. | |
chelitakl | v.r.s. | sung. |
chitekill | v.a.s. | to be sung.
mechitakl | v.erg. | sung.
See also:
Examples: |
> It's sort of or like a Japanese song. |
> Our Palau will be sung to please the guests. |
> Our Palau will be sung eagerly. |
> She held Rehina's hand and sang it. |
More Examples: |
> My dad went trolling last night. Caught a barracuda. |
> There is singing at the clubhouse tonight that is good to hear. |
> We were listening to the radio. They were playing Belauan songs. |