daob, n.sea; ocean; salt water.
meraeldaobn.strong current in open sea (usually accompanied by swells).
debel a klengoesexpr.salt water for cooking klengoes.
debel a mekaebexpr.the ocean between Angaur and Peliliu.
debel a mlaiexpr.boat's wake.
debel a redilexpr.labor pains.
See also: , ,
> This medicine must be used with salt water (to be effective).
> The ocean of our islands is abundant in fish.
> A good leader is like rain calming the ocean.
> Sis is washing her clothes in the ocean.
> The ocean is very blue.
> It's like the foam of the sea, which forms unexpectedly and then disappears.
It's a matter that comes up for lengthy discussions and then is dropped without resolution or effect. Some things, like sea foam, drift on without settlement. Endless discussion without reaching agreement.
> The ocean crabs crowd out the village crabs.
"Crabs from the sea," in other words, commoner peoples who have only recently taken up residence, may become more influential than long-term residents of higher, historical rank. Members of such lineages, omengdakl or low status, because they must achieve to gain recognition and because they are adopted and protected by high ranking clans, may actually be more privileged than older residents.
> Sea crabs have pushed out land crabs.
Outsiders have taken over the land or titles of local people. An outsider (e.g., adopted child, friend) has become more important than a blood relative.
> A good leader, like rain, stills the ocean.
Rain falling during an ocean squall often seems to wipe away the winds and still the ocean. A good leader should be able to dispel the problems facing his people. He can calm down disputes and settle problems easily.
More Examples:
> My younger brother and I were making our canoe.
> Our president is focused on conserving and protecting the sea life.
> We didnt catch anything as the waves were really strong.
> I was sleeping on the bench and listening to the waves breaking on the shore.

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