remolii | |
rirolii | | |
dorael | v.imp.3pi | let's go. |
merael | v.erg. | |
merolang | v.inch. |
merolung | v.pred. |
merorael /mererorael | v.i.redup. | walk aimlessly; stroll.
morael | v.imp. | |
reall | v.a.s. | (particular distance) is to be walked, traveled or covered.
rrael | v.r.s. | (particular distance) walked/traveled/covered.
sekerael | v.s. | travel a lot; go from place to place; can't settle down.
merael a rengul | expr. | indecisive. |
merael el mo | expr. | becoming; on the way towards (being). |
See also:
Examples: |
> A rumor is going around. |
> I'll just rest here for a while and then go. |
> It's getting to be morning, so you'd better be leaving. |
> They each scrambled onto the boat and then they left. |
> They will both leave tomorrow. |
Proverbs: |
> It's as if we were walking on the blade of a knife. i.e., we're treading on dangerous ground; if we make one wrong move, we're finished. |
> Like a ray-fish, eating while walking. The ray-fish does not stop swimming while chewing food it has gathered while weaving along the ocean floor. The saying may be applied to any rude behavior or particularly to the act of walking and eating, which is considered impolite. It can also be applied to a person who is trying to hurry through a job without giving it careful attention. |
More Examples: |
> We were walking fine on the road until a really fast car sped by that abruptly forced us into a ditch. |
> I like to walk its just that the sun is scorching. |
> Go to the store and buy a chicken for dinner tonight. |
> English |
> Go and bring my basket so we can go to the taro patch. |