mesngii | |
milsngii | | |
mus | |
milus | | |
besengall /besngall | v.a.s. | is to be tied into bundle; is to be pulled vigorously or grabbed.
blus | v.r.s. | tied into bundle; pulled vigorously; grabbed.
kabesbus | v.recip.redup. | pull (things) from each other.
kebus | v.recip. | |
obus | v.erg. | |
omesbus | v.i.redup. | (fishing line) keep pulling when fish bites.
See also:
More Examples: |
> The discussion was still ongoing and he left. |
> He was in a hurry so he just yanked it and ran out. |
> I was still reading it and he came and yanked it out of my hands. |
> He was running late this morning and left without his lunch. |