Murael, n.reef in Ngerechelong.
> She's like the clams at Murael, lying face up (and open) and asking for news.
i.e., she just sits at home asking passersby about what's going on outside. Murael is a reef near Ngerechelong where, as elsewhere in Palau, the various kinds of tradacna shell bask, open and feeding, in the shallow lagoon. The saying applies to gullibility combined with high curiosity for news and to persons who simply sit at home, letting the happenings of the community come to them via passing persons.

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Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Table 'belau.log_bots' doesn't exist in /home/johnbent/ Stack trace: #0 /home/johnbent/ mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), 'INSERT INTO log...') #1 /home/johnbent/ visitlog(': pe -> murael ...') #2 /home/johnbent/ belau_footer(NULL, ': pe -> murael ...') #3 {main} thrown in /home/johnbent/ on line 520