mtebechelii | |
miltebechelii | | |
mtebechel | |
miltebechel | | |
mutebechel | v.erg. |
ultebechel | v.r.s. | held steady; controlled; confirmed; moored; (person) certain or sure to; (person) serious or responsible.
utebechall /utebechelall | v.a.s. | is to be held steady, controlled, confirmed or moored.
ultebechel a blekerdelel | expr. | honest; mature and responsible. |
ultebechel a rengul | expr. | honest; mature and responsible. |
ultebechel el tekoi | expr. | confirmed matter. |
See also:
Examples: |
> Try to control yourself a little bit. |
> Whenever I was just patient and waited for a little while, I was certain to have a good idea. |
> I'll certainly come tomorrow. |