orolii | v.pf.3s |
urrolii | v.pf.3s.past | |
orael | v.pf.3p.inan. |
urrael | v.pf.3p.inan.past | |
kaiuerael | v.recip. | start engines together.
morael | v.erg. | |
orolall /oreall | v.a.s. | (animal) is to be led; (boat, car etc.) is to be driven.
urrael | v.r.s. | (animal) led; (boat, car etc.) driven.
Examples: |
> Her lust led her to defile herself. |
> Wait, don't leave. |
> Why are you always leaving your children behind when you go out? |
More Examples: |
> I am saying to go but she doesn't want to. |
> Go to the store and buy a chicken for dinner tonight. |
> Don't go. |
> John, go swim, and while you're there, bail the boat. |
> Be careful when walking on the streets. |