, num.1 [one] (unit of time; human; counting).
talcont.ta el
taracont.ta er a
el di ngak el tangexpr.alone; by myself.
ko el tangexpr.the very first time; the first time after a long while.
ngii di el tangexpr.either one; anything.
ta el chadexpr.one person; (persons) having same mother or father; (persons) of same blood.
ta el rakexpr.one year.
ta el silsexpr.one day.
ta er kemamexpr.one of our relatives (usually, close); one of us.
ta er ngakexpr.one of my relatives (usually, close).
ta er tirexpr.one of them.
> Why did you come here all by yourself?
> It's been almost a week since he's been staying here.
> My child ran away by himself.
> Give me a basket that's a little bigger.
> The blind leading the blind.
> A blind man leading another blind man.
The application is identical to that of the familiar English idiom
> Like the breadfruit of Kayangel, just one rotten piece will spoil the whole bunch.
One bad person can ruin the reputation of a whole group. It is said of the Chebiei variety of breadfruit found at Kayangel atoll that one rotten one will spoil others packaged with it. Similar to "One bad apple spoiled the bushel."
> It's like the birth of a rat with one offspring per mother.
It's something that happens just once, something I put up with only once. According to this saying, the rat bears but one litter. Hence the application "once is enough" about an act that bears no repeating.
> A full basket was dropped in Ngeremeduu bay.
From the folk tale about Obak era Kedesau on his way to a feast being given in honor of his wife by her adoptive father. While crossing Ngeremeduu Bay between Ngatpang and Ngeremlengui, Obak dropped a basket of Palauan money overboard. Despite this terrible loss, he still had the courage and sufficient cash to carry off his visit in high style. The saying may be used to reassure someone, following a loss, reminding them that Obak era Kedesau recovered from an even greater loss.
> Like the blow at Utaor, one stroke for all
A person or perhaps a club of the hamlet of Utaor (a hamlet of either Koror or Chol) offended a major village and, in consequence, the village retaliated by attacking the whole hamlet. The idiom applies to any general statement or punishment that might better be directed toward a particular group or individual
More Examples:
> Yes, but I only danced once.
> I have one younger brother. (Can only be said by a maile).
> Please give me a fork
> My child, go hail me a taxi cab so that I can take it to the dock.

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