te, n., [From Japanese] ability; skill; style.
meoud a teexpr.slow witted.
mereched a teexpr.clever.
> They're from Ngerechelong (where clams are abundant).
> They will visit their sick fater.
> They will both leave tomorrow.
> My friends went swimming.
> They are much in agreement.
> They're from Angaur.
They eat rope; rope is used to tie slaves and is therefore a symbol of inferiority.
> They are as though eating deldalech.
Deldalech is the material once used to blacken teeth in Palau. When the deldalech was applied it was "eaten" by keeping the mouth and lips completely immobile for several hours until the dye had set. May be applied to a meeting at which some problem is presented for discussion and no discussion takes place, all the participants sitting in stony silence; also to a person or group that receives a reprimand in silence.
More Examples:
> And you, how many people are in your family?
> We were listening to the radio. They were playing Belauan songs.
> Pretty soon they'll disown me.
> A lot of talk but no action.
> The men and women from Ngeremlengui are ideal spouses because they are well-versed in customs and traditions.
te, pro.they/them (nonemphatic).
> Children tend to grow up.
> They are racing and just walking.
> They are much in agreement.
> Their mothers continued to be disappointed.
> The travelers were thirsty in a few hours.
> They're from Angaur.
They eat rope; rope is used to tie slaves and is therefore a symbol of inferiority.
> They are as though eating deldalech.
Deldalech is the material once used to blacken teeth in Palau. When the deldalech was applied it was "eaten" by keeping the mouth and lips completely immobile for several hours until the dye had set. May be applied to a meeting at which some problem is presented for discussion and no discussion takes place, all the participants sitting in stony silence; also to a person or group that receives a reprimand in silence.
More Examples:
> A lot of talk but no action.
> Kids these days think they are so smart.
> And you, how many people are in your family?
> Who's making all the commotion outside?
> When Lukes went, they had already started eating so she pouted and went home.

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