te, n., [From Japanese] ability; skill; style.
meoud a teexpr.slow witted.
mereched a teexpr.clever.
> They're from Ngeremlengui or Ngardmau where cheremrum are abundant.
> People tend to start arriving at one o'clock.
> They are intimate with or close to each other.
> They were at the school and then walked to the beach.
> How do Palauans make pottery?
> They're from Angaur.
They eat rope; rope is used to tie slaves and is therefore a symbol of inferiority.
> They are as though eating deldalech.
Deldalech is the material once used to blacken teeth in Palau. When the deldalech was applied it was "eaten" by keeping the mouth and lips completely immobile for several hours until the dye had set. May be applied to a meeting at which some problem is presented for discussion and no discussion takes place, all the participants sitting in stony silence; also to a person or group that receives a reprimand in silence.
More Examples:
> How many females are wearing rings?
> Kerai, very soon the police will catch you and tie you up!
> The kids from school are so well behaved, they are picking up the trash on the sides of the road.
> Our neighbor and my mom went to the farm, they will be making grated cassava.
> We went to pick the betelnuts on the hills but when we got there, someone already picked them.
te, pro.they/them (nonemphatic).
> They drew those pictures in an hour.
> They are like greedy dogs that never get enough.
> One hundred people voted.
> They are intimate with or close to each other.
> They both don't know anything and yet they're trying to explain.
> They are as though eating deldalech.
Deldalech is the material once used to blacken teeth in Palau. When the deldalech was applied it was "eaten" by keeping the mouth and lips completely immobile for several hours until the dye had set. May be applied to a meeting at which some problem is presented for discussion and no discussion takes place, all the participants sitting in stony silence; also to a person or group that receives a reprimand in silence.
> They're from Angaur.
They eat rope; rope is used to tie slaves and is therefore a symbol of inferiority.
More Examples:
> Her father picked his daughter onto his shoulder as her foot was hurting and they walked home.
> As the election nears, they'll be singing coated lies for the people to digest.
> We were listening to the radio. They were playing Belauan songs.
> They are laughing at what Bung said.
> Pretty soon they'll disown me.

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Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Table 'belau.log_bots' doesn't exist in /home/johnbent/tekinged.com/functions.php:520 Stack trace: #0 /home/johnbent/tekinged.com/functions.php(520): mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), 'INSERT INTO log...') #1 /home/johnbent/tekinged.com/functions.php(1840): visitlog(': pe -> te (1)') #2 /home/johnbent/tekinged.com/index.php(213): belau_footer(NULL, ': pe -> te (1)') #3 {main} thrown in /home/johnbent/tekinged.com/functions.php on line 520