te, n., [From Japanese] ability; skill; style.
meoud a teexpr.slow witted.
mereched a teexpr.clever.
> The children ate all the apples yesterday.
> All the animals were starting to be really glad and they were somewhat comforted.
> They're from Beliliou (where preserved breadfruit is eaten)
> They tend to eat fruits and raw food.
> Did they get the disease in Kayangel?
> They are as though eating deldalech.
Deldalech is the material once used to blacken teeth in Palau. When the deldalech was applied it was "eaten" by keeping the mouth and lips completely immobile for several hours until the dye had set. May be applied to a meeting at which some problem is presented for discussion and no discussion takes place, all the participants sitting in stony silence; also to a person or group that receives a reprimand in silence.
> They're from Angaur.
They eat rope; rope is used to tie slaves and is therefore a symbol of inferiority.
More Examples:
> Wonder what they are thinking.
> They are laughing at what Bung said.
> Our neighbor and my mom went to the farm, they will be making grated cassava.
> The spirits knew that our home land is becoming deserted.
> I don't want to go listen to the politicians speak because they're so boring and talk forever but I wouldn't mind just going to eat the food.
te, pro.they/them (nonemphatic).
> How do Palauans make pottery?
> The guests are getting angry.
> They're from Ngiual (where people eat a lot of soup).
> People tend to start arriving at one o'clock.
> Maybe they've gotten sick.
> They're from Angaur.
They eat rope; rope is used to tie slaves and is therefore a symbol of inferiority.
> They are as though eating deldalech.
Deldalech is the material once used to blacken teeth in Palau. When the deldalech was applied it was "eaten" by keeping the mouth and lips completely immobile for several hours until the dye had set. May be applied to a meeting at which some problem is presented for discussion and no discussion takes place, all the participants sitting in stony silence; also to a person or group that receives a reprimand in silence.
More Examples:
> Yes, a lot of people were dancing.
> Pretty soon they'll disown me.
> I don't want to go listen to the politicians speak because they're so boring and talk forever but I wouldn't mind just going to eat the food.
> When Lukes went, they had already started eating so she pouted and went home.
> We went to pick the betelnuts on the hills but when we got there, someone already picked them.

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