, v.i.used to introduce various expressions of imprecise knowledge in which an event is generally known to have occurred but some specifics are unknown.
kmung kerexpr.somewhere (I don't know where).
kmung kilskelii
/kmong kilskelii
expr.something happened to it (or him or her) (I don't know what).
kmung kusakl
/kmong kusakl
expr.something bad happened (I don't know what).
kmung mekerang
/kmong mekerang
expr.somehow (I don't know how).
kmung ngarang
/kmong ngarang
expr.something (I don't know what).
kmung ngera uchul
/kmong ngera uchul
expr.some reason (I don't know what).
kmung oingerang
/kmong oingerang
expr.sometime (I don't know when).
kmung ongetelang
/kmong ongetelang
expr.some number (I don't know which).
kmung techang
/kmong techang
expr.someone (I don't know who).
kmung telang
/kmong telang
expr.some quantity (I don't know how many).
See also: ,
> The children are playing somewhere or other.
> Droteo went somewhere or other.
> Someone or other came looking for you.
More Examples:
> He climbed into the car and went I don't know where.
, pro.who; whom.
> Whose mother did you see?
> Who are those two people (i.e. what are their names)?
> Whose book are those kids reading?
> The turtle shell, I don't know who was polishing it.
> What does she/he like to eat with?
More Examples:
> What's your grandmother's name?
> What is my name?
> Who's wearing a ring?
> Who is lazy?
> Who wrote this book?

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Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Table 'belau.log_bots' doesn't exist in /home/johnbent/ Stack trace: #0 /home/johnbent/ mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), 'INSERT INTO log...') #1 /home/johnbent/ visitlog(': pe -> techang...') #2 /home/johnbent/ belau_footer(NULL, ': pe -> techang...') #3 {main} thrown in /home/johnbent/ on line 520