uchul | , n.poss.3s | base (of tree); cause; reason; basis. |
uchuk | n.poss.1s | |||||||||||
uchum | n.poss.2s | |||||||||||
uchemam | n.poss.1pe | |||||||||||
uchud | n.poss.1pi | |||||||||||
uchemiu | n.poss.2p | |||||||||||
ucherir | n.poss.3p | |||||||||||
chad er a uchul a eanged | expr. | foreigner. | ||||||||||
me isei a uchul e | expr. | therefore. | ||||||||||
uchul a cheldecheduch | expr. | reason for the meeting. | ||||||||||
uchul a eanged | expr. | horizon. | ||||||||||
uchul a kerrekar | expr. | base of tree; butt end of log. | ||||||||||
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chang | , n. | jetty; road leading to dock. |
uchul a chang | expr. | foot of jetty. | ||||||
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chim | , n. | hand; arm; front paws (of animal); help; assistance; manual labor; person sent to help. |
chimak | n.poss.1s | |||||||||||
chimam | n.poss.2s | |||||||||||
chimal | n.poss.3s | |||||||||||
chimomam | n.poss.1pe | |||||||||||
chimad | n.poss.1pi | |||||||||||
chimomiu | n.poss.2p | |||||||||||
chimorir | n.poss.3p | |||||||||||
chim | v.s. | empty-handed. | ||||||||||
kekemanget a chimal | expr. | prone to stealing things. | ||||||||||
kemanget a chimal | expr. | prone to stealing things. | ||||||||||
uchul a chim | expr. | shoulder; upper arm. | ||||||||||
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chui | , n. | hair. |
chiuk | n.poss.1s | |||||||||||
chium | n.poss.2s | |||||||||||
chiul /cheiul | n.poss.3s | |||||||||||
chimam | n.poss.1pe | |||||||||||
chiud | n.poss.1pi | |||||||||||
chimiu | n.poss.2p | |||||||||||
chirir | n.poss.3p | |||||||||||
rsel a chui | expr. | end of a hair. | ||||||||||
uchul a chui | expr. | root of hair. | ||||||||||
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chur | , n. | tongue. |
churak | n.poss.1s | |||||||||
churam | n.poss.2s | |||||||||
chural | n.poss.3s | |||||||||
churemam | n.poss.1pe | |||||||||
churad | n.poss.1pi | |||||||||
churemiu | n.poss.2p | |||||||||
churerir | n.poss.3p | |||||||||
medal a chur | n. | tongue tip. | ||||||||
obult a chural | expr. | change one's mind. | ||||||||
teleuidel a chural | expr. | have a forked tongue; say one thing on one occasion and something else the next. | ||||||||
teluo a chural | expr. | stick to what one has said; remain fixed in one's opinion; stubborn. | ||||||||
uchul a chur | expr. | back or root of tongue. | ||||||||
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Proverbs: | ||||||||||
diil | , n. | abdomen; womb; stomach. |
delek | n.poss.1s | |||||||||||
delem | n.poss.2s | |||||||||||
delel | n.poss.3s | |||||||||||
delam | n.poss.1pe | |||||||||||
deled | n.poss.1pi | |||||||||||
deliu | n.poss.2p | |||||||||||
delir | n.poss.3p | |||||||||||
klou a delel | expr. | have a pot belly; have a large belly (e.g., when pregnant). | ||||||||||
secherel a diil | expr. | stomach or abdominal cancer. | ||||||||||
uchul a diil | expr. | lower abdomen; gut; intestines. | ||||||||||
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klengit | , n. | sin; evil; bad result. |
kngtik | n.poss.1s | |||||
kngtim | n.poss.2s | |||||
kngtil | n.poss.3s | |||||
kngtmam | n.poss.1pe | |||||
kngtid | n.poss.1pi | |||||
kngtmiu | n.poss.2p | |||||
kngtrir | n.poss.3p | |||||
klengiterreng /klengitelreng | n. | sorrow; meanness. | ||||
kngtil a rengul | expr. | (someone's) being mean or feeling sad or frustrated. | ||||
meruul a klengit | expr. | commit a sin. | ||||
uchul a klengit | expr. | cause of bad behavior; original sin. | ||||
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Examples: | ||||||
, n. | benefit; goodness; beauty; quality. |
klungiolek | n.poss.1s | |||||||||
klungiolem | n.poss.2s | |||||||||
n.poss.3s | ||||||||||
klungiolam | n.poss.1pe | |||||||||
klungioled | n.poss.1pi | |||||||||
klungioliu | n.poss.2p | |||||||||
klungiolir | n.poss.3p | |||||||||
meruul a klungiaol | expr. | do something good or helpful. | ||||||||
uchul a klungiaol | expr. | (future) benefit or happiness. | ||||||||
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kmung /kmong | , v.i. | used to introduce various expressions of imprecise knowledge in which an event is generally known to have occurred but some specifics are unknown. |
kmung ker | expr. | somewhere (I don't know where). | ||||||
kmung kilskelii /kmong kilskelii | expr. | something happened to it (or him or her) (I don't know what). | ||||||
kmung kusakl /kmong kusakl | expr. | something bad happened (I don't know what). | ||||||
kmung mekerang /kmong mekerang | expr. | somehow (I don't know how). | ||||||
kmung ngarang /kmong ngarang | expr. | something (I don't know what). | ||||||
kmung ngera uchul /kmong ngera uchul | expr. | some reason (I don't know what). | ||||||
kmung oingerang /kmong oingerang | expr. | sometime (I don't know when). | ||||||
kmung ongetelang /kmong ongetelang | expr. | some number (I don't know which). | ||||||
kmung techang /kmong techang | expr. | someone (I don't know who). | ||||||
kmung telang /kmong telang | expr. | some quantity (I don't know how many). | ||||||
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ngera /ngerang /ngarang /ngara | , pro. | what; which; what kind of; anything (but or except). |
ng diak a ngerang | pro. | nothing. | ||||||||||
ua ngarang | pro. | how. | ||||||||||
ngera me | expr. | why? for what reason? | ||||||||||
ngera ngar ngii | expr. | what's up? what's happening? | ||||||||||
ngera uchul me | expr. | why? for what reason? | ||||||||||
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oach /ouach /uach | , n. | foot; leg; back paws (of animal). |
ochik | n.poss.1s | |||||||||||
ochim | n.poss.2s | |||||||||||
ochil | n.poss.3s | |||||||||||
ochemam | n.poss.1pe | |||||||||||
ochid | n.poss.1pi | |||||||||||
ochemiu | n.poss.2p | |||||||||||
ocherir | n.poss.3p | |||||||||||
delel a oach | expr. | calf of leg. | ||||||||||
ochil a mlai | expr. | wheel. | ||||||||||
ochil a osongd | expr. | teeth of comb. | ||||||||||
uchul a oach | expr. | upper thigh. | ||||||||||
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orengodel | , n. | horizontal roof beam of bai or house. |
rsel a orengodel | expr. | corner of house diagonally opposite from uchul a orengodel where cooking is done. |
uchul a orengodel | expr. | part of house where orengodel beam is first laid. forbidden side of house where people should not walk uninvited and should be quiet when they do go there. |
See also: |
rois | , n. | mountain. |
eungel a rois | n. | foot of the mountain. | ||||
risois | n.redup. | large flat rock; rocky ledge or outcropping. | ||||
bebul a rois | expr. | mountain top. | ||||
rois a ngerel | expr. | veracious; confident of what one is saying. | ||||
uchul a rois | expr. | base or foot of mountain. | ||||
Examples: | ||||||
tut | , n. | breast; baby bottle; bosom. |
tuk | n.poss.1s | |||
tum | n.poss.2s | |||
tul | n.poss.3s | |||
tmam | n.poss.1pe | |||
tud | n.poss.1pi | |||
tmiu | n.poss.2p | |||
trir | n.poss.3p | |||
medal a tut | expr. | breast nipple; nipple of baby-bottle. | ||
osechel a tut | expr. | milk from breast. | ||
uchul a tut | expr. | lower chest. | ||
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